Chapter 1; Heatwaves

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                 Its been a few months since you've joined this pride. Its surprising considering the dry season is well under way. Nala, Simba's mate of several years, has died of a mysterious illness. His mother is sick as-well, and Timon sadly got taken away by a Boeing 747 to be used in a zoo, leaving pumba to fend for himself. Rafiki hasn't been seen for some time, and the pride lands are falling to ruin.

               As you leave the den a sudden wave of heat strikes you. Each dry season has been hotter than the last. You shake it off and stretch, turning to look at one of the lead huntresses. Her name is Kasi, and she is the fastest lioness in the pride. She smiles and greets you with a flick of her tail "Good morning! Good day for swimming, i think," She says with an almost forced feeling energy. You yawn and reply "It would be if the watering holes werent all dried up. All that's left is being guarded by crocs and hippos." They nod and stand up, shaking dust from their pelt "Suppose we should find some shade, then?" they suggest. You raise your tail "Of course! I dont think I could last another moment in this heat!" 

             You walk away together and join a group of lionesses all huddled under an acacia tree. Simba was sprawled out on a branch above them listening to Zazu ramble on about all the pride-lands problems. You managed to nestle part-way between the sturdy roots and start to cool off. The peace doesnt last long, though, as word soon comes in about conflict between the water  dwelling creatures and the herds. Simba drops from his branch "If we dont intervene blood will be spilled. Lionesses, follow me!" His thundering voice called the lionesses around to leave the safety of the shadows, and of course you follow suit. You charge across the savanna to the watering hole, where crocodiles and hippos are stood up in a line blocking herds of zebra and antelope from getting too close to the dwindling water. Simba leaps atop a nearby rock and roars to get the animals attention. His roar shakes the ground and sends a shiver up your spine.

         Once he has the animals attention he begins to speak with the same thundering and commanding voice he uses to rally lionesses "What is going on here? Why arent you letting them drink?" He asked. The hippos grumble "There isnt enough water to go around, they'll drink us dry!" The crocs join in "If they take our water I'll take one of their legs, seems a fair trade to me." one of them hissed. The zebras whinnied and the antelope stomped. Simba called for silence "But if no one can drink then they'll all surely die!" The hippos shook their heads. The largest croc snapped his jaws "Better them than us!"

          Simba sighed "The rains will come, you just have to be patient. Until then as your king i demand you ration out some of the water. Only enough for them to survive, one drink each." The hippos and crocs looked at eachother for a moment. Surely they couldn't defy their king? but then again, why would they listen to a lion anyways when the state of things is so dire? You look up at Simba, his mane ruffled by the wind and his muscles rippling under his fur. Who couldn't respect such a noble lion? They eventually back off, only enough to let a few animals drink at a time. The large croc lashed his tail "If the water falls below this line before the rain comes we arent giving any more water."

         The king bowed his head "I cannot argue with that. (Y/N), Askari, you two stay here to make sure they keep their word. The rest of you, lets head home." he announced. You look to Askari. She's a large lioness, the largest you've ever seen anyways, and she's quiet and loyal. Now that you think about it, you've never actually heard her speak. You each sit on either side of the line, watching closely to ensure each animal takes one drink and one drink only. You sigh, wondering why you of all lions was picked to stay behind in the heat.

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