Chapter 8; Learning

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                    You watch as the night hunt sets out. The Lionesses left at pride rock seem a little more energized with a little bit of food in their bellies, even if that food happens to be grubs. Simba looked on after them, unsure of his decision. You tilt your head and approach him "Are you sure you sent the right lionesses on the night hunt?" The other lionesses look at you. Though most have come to respect you, there are a few who glare at you when you dare to question their king. Simba glances down at you "In all honesty, no. But then again, im not sure of most things now a days." He shook some dust from his crimson mane.

             You shake your head at him and turn, gesturing with your tail for him to follow. He raises an eyebrow but obeys. You lead him to a secluded clearing, the moonlight illuminating the area "Let me teach you how lionesses hunt," you say, your tail starting to flick playfully. He stands in the center of the clearing, looking down at you "How exactly are you going to do that with only one lioness?" You smile "You'll just have to play pretend! Now, You be the ambush, so go wait in the grass. I'll be the runner, and this log," you pull a fallen log towards you with a paw, "Will be the prey." Simba seems a bit hesitant, but the playful glint in his eye is more than enough to suggest he'll agree. He backs away into the grass "Okay, when do i jump out?" You push the log to the other side "When the log gets close enough for you to pounce and stop it." He nodded "Seems easy enough!" 

            you get on the other side of the log and start pushing it towards Simba, giving it a powerful shove to get it to roll. Simba tried to pounce, but messed up the timing and ended up tripping over the log and landing on his back. You laugh and trot over, looking down at him "Are you ok?" Simba shakes his head, giggling to himself like a cub as he regained his bearings "Do it again, i can get it this time!" you happily set up the scenario again and again, and through the night Simba got better and better at timing his leaps and grounding himself as he pushed the log to a stop. He stood tall, one paw on top of the log "Is this all there is to hunting?" You shake your head "Prey dont exactly roll like a log does. it takes multiple runners to drive prey to an ambush, but today you only sent one." Simba nodded, this brow furrowing as he thought "I see... Hey, (Y/n), you know more about this than me. Why dont you organize the hunting patrols?" Your eyes widened for a moment before you shook your head "Simba, Do you realize what the other lionesses would think? That's the job of the rulers, if you gave it to me they might get confused and think we're more than friends."

              Simba looked towards his paws for a moment "Dont you ever think about it?" He asked suddenly. You turn to look at him, his face holding uncertainty and something more. The moonlight shone in his eyes as he spoke "Dont you ever think about... Maybe being something more?" his voice was soft, soothing. The troubles of the pride lands seemed insignificant in this moment. You open your mouth to speak but cant find the words. He looks down at you, his mouth agape as well. You lower your head, your heart pounding. You dont know what you think.

           Simba turns and walks to the edge of the clearing, looking out into the distance "Its... Almost midnight... I should get back to the pride..." Without another word, he disappears, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You look to the sky, the stars shimmering above you. You wish you knew ho you felt, but your mind is clouded too with worry to think straight. You think back on what you've been through, through your past you learn something about yourself, and about the king who took you in after your own pride turned their backs on you.

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