Chapter 5; Lionliness

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                You wake up on the familiar rocky floor of the pride rock den. You feel a sharp sting of pain in your wounds and look to see them coated with some sort of sticky fragrant poultice. Its late, Kasi was asleep nearby with her back to you. The other lionesses involved in the battle were all sleeping soundly, huddled in their own little groups with their own wounds treated. No deaths. You heave yourself to your feet and limp towards the cave entrance, surprised to see Simba outside looking over the pride lands. As you exit the den he turns to meet your gaze. You hesitate before speaking "Uh... What is this on my wounds?" You ask. Simba sighs "Just some poultice made from lemon grass and melon juice," He replies. You blink in confusion "Melon juice? Where on earth did you find a melon?" Simba turns away to look over the land once again "I know this territory well, i knew where some were growing and fetched them." You flick a fly away with your ear "Well when can i lick it off? Its starting to attract flies." Simba cant help but laugh at your impatience "Well if they're bothering you that much you can lick it off now, but i think the smell of a fresh wound might be even more appealing to them." 

           You chuckle and shrug it off "Well then I'll let it stay... Did someone tell you about the battle?" You ask, limping forward to sit near him. Simba nods "Ive been told that in order to end the battle, you've killed the leader of the hyenas, Taji. It was quick thinking, but I'm worried your actions might make things worse." you listen, shame and guilt filling you "I... I made them afraid. You know hyenas will never have respect for lions, if we cant keep them at bay with respect then the only way is to rule through fear," You insist, trying to shake off the dread slowly snaking its way up your spine. Simba shakes his head, his brow furrowing "I dont want to be that kind of king. My evil uncle, Scar, ruled the pride lands with only fear and hate. I want to rule like my father and his father before him, with kindness, dignity, and respect for all living things." His voice was soft and kind, almost fatherly, as he reminisced about the past. You hang your head "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have killed her... I dont know what came over me, its like i lost my mind."

         Simba looks down at you with sympathetic eyes "I... I know what that feels like," he starts "But what's done is done. You cant turn back time." You nod knowingly and look back towards the den entrance "Are the others all ok?" You ask. Simba nods "Yes, luckily they are. They were even strong enough to carry you back here." as the stars glisten above you an icy wind sweeps past. You shudder "Sure is cold tonight..." Simba looks down at you, then looks away. The expression on his face is... Difficult to read. He seems almost embarrassed. You tilt your head, raising an eyebrow and leaning towards him "Is something wrong?" you ask. He turns away "No." You try to shrug it off and stand up "Well in that case, I think I'll head back inside." As you turn to walk away Simba gets to his paws and follows you "Same here, It is pretty chilly out here."

          As you both enter the den, Simba seems reluctant to step away. Ever since the death of the queen he's slept alone on his rock ledge, and since you began life as an outsider you've always slept near the wall on the opposite side. Eventually, though, he made his way silently to his lonely terrace, upon which dried grasses and shed feathers made a bit of a nest. Zazu, the bird who had once served under king Mufasa, had left to spend the harsh dry season with his family as many hornbills do. Simba has seemed more lonely than ever. Pumba, destroyed by Timon's capture, returned to the jungle. You look to Kasi sleeping near your usual spot, then to Simba's lonely ledge. You let out a sigh, stepping towards the ledge without a word. Simba watches as you lay near the base of his nest and lower your head. Soon enough, sleep takes hold.

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