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Sarah walked towards the entrance of the Botanical Gardens with a lump in her throat. She had done her best at trying to cover the very fresh scar on her face. She was just hoping the incoming rain didn't wash off the concealer. But Sarah knew her luck, she anticipated a fallout in her and Jake's friendship today.

She walked towards the tall blonde and plastered a huge smile on her rather sullen and swollen face.

"Hey." She simply put and the boy's face lit up.

"Hey." he stared at the girl's expression and could tell something was up. "You gonna show me the best bench here then?"

"Of course, only the best for my friends." Sarah felt a weird need to emphasise friends. She knew it was obvious to him she had a crush on him, every guy she had ever liked made it apparent that she liked them. It was out of her control, she tried so hard to hide it, but the massive grin she had stuck to her face whenever she talked to a boy revealed her true feelings.

The rain began pouring and Sarah pulled out an umbrella, being the prepared girl she is. 

"Thank you," Jake said, as he took the umbrella. The girl looked up, flipping him off for stealing her umbrella. "Lead the way, I don't know how this park works."

She walked them both towards the quietest bench in the park. Covered in foliage, it was completely green and serene. Just how Sarah liked it.

"No one can see us unless they walk past, it's great when you want to escape this 'brilliant' world." She smirked, as she sacrificed her coat by laying it on the wet bench. 

"You're gonna get cold now, take my coat." The boy offered. Sarah took a mental note: he's a gentleman.

"I'm fine, I've got this jumper on." She shrugged him off, she wanted to take the offer, but she didn't want him to be cold.

"Nope, you're taking it." He began taking it off and the girl kept refusing until he was forcing it on her. "See, all nice and warm!" 

Sarah rolled her eyes and replied, "And now your cold, well done for making me feel bad."

"I'll take it back when your warm, how's that for a deal?" 


The two were pressed very close together on the bench. Sarah was a small girl, five feet to be exact, so the surface area of her coat wasn't much for two people. This had been the closest they'd ever been to each other, and with the rain, they both began noticing little things about each other.

Jake noticed her big brown eyes more clearly than ever. It was the first thing he'd ever noticed about her and now he could see them up close. He also noticed the gleam of her skin and noticed the tinge her skin had, one he had never seen before. Sarah noticed him eyeing up the spot where she had been wounded and quickly tried to move attention to something else.

"You know I have an idea for my wish." His eyes met hers as he looked in excitement. 

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