I'm in the back for some reason, I never agreed to help and cure Sophie's annoying carsickness. I swear, that is the reason why every guy has left her. She always has a headache or her stomach hurts and god forbid she has a paper cut.

"That would be fun," I nod, smiling out the window with my ears tuning in the low music playing through the car's speakers. It was a slow song that Jackson always played before a mission or a task.

It was kind of his ritual, he explained it to us once we got annoyed of hearing it constantly and when he tried fixing it by wearing headphones, it was impossible to get his attention to tell him that he missed a turn or remind him to stop five blocks away.

"It's the calm before the storm," he said.

I understand that. I think when you live the life everyone dreams about that is filled with gunshots and chaos, you need a certain section of your life dedicated to allowing your mind to stop clicking for awhile.

The car comes to a slow stop, the large house painted white was sitting in a large lawn of green grass with a white picket fence- the american dream, right?

"Okay, honk." I breathe out, turning my head down to my phone that was sitting on my lap, my thumb scrolling through my notes app that had everything we knew about Christopher Owen Sturniolo.

"What- no!" Sophie exclaims, my eyes darting up to her looking at Jackson with his hand already on the center of the steering wheel. "We have to make a good first impression,"

"I already have," I mumble, "Jack, do it."

"Jack, don't." Sophie huffs, turning her body over towards me. "You spilled a drink on him, that isn't something to be proud of."

"Sophie, it's cold outside." I lie, trying to keep myself from having to get out of the car and introduce myself to whoever else is living in there with him. With that big ass shining mansion, he's definitely not alone.

"Jack give her your jacket, or better yet-" She spine back around and in seconds, I see the large fluffy pink throw-up she calls a jacket come flying towards me.

I roll my eyes, slipping my hands into the long sleeves and then opening the door. We all step out, Sophie giggling happily and I cross my arms over my chest, "Still feeling sick, huh Soph?"

She nods, "Oh yeah, I'm about to throw up right now actually." She gives me one of her signature winks before skipping towards the front door like she owned the world. We get that feeling a lot.

"You think she'll fall for this saint?" Jackson leans down to me, following by my side as we make it up to Sophie who's jumping in place, barely able to wait for what's to come.

I furrow my brows and smile, nodding. "Oh definitely,"

Jack chuckles, hitting the door with his knuckles a couple of times before stuffing his hand back into his jacket's pocket. We stand there for a few seconds in silence, the sound of Sophie digging into her purse was the only thing besides the nightly crickets whirling around the night.

Then suddenly.. "They're fucking here!"

My eyes widen and my head snaps towards Sophie who was frozen in place, a unlit cigarette dangling from between her red lips. I part my lips, about to ask about what we just heard but before I could speak, another thing cracked through the silence. A loud bang.

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