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(5489 words)

"This thing upon me, howls like a beast
You flower, you feast."

and awayy we go!!

Ivy Brooks

I've brought many people into my world, showing them the things they hide from, shaking in fear. Of course, they're frozen and terrified at first but eventually, they adjust and they forget what it feels like to be afraid.

People are usually scared of things that are most likely to run into them in the middle of their day. Being robbed, having a gun on their head, their house being broken into, getting followed by a crazy guy high on drugs- all of these things are done by humans and are more likely to happen than a nuclear war. Well.. maybe.

But when you know what I know, when you know how to defend yourself and convince people to leave you alone, you don't fear those things anymore. Sure, if you run into one of these things the first time, you'll get that small injection of fear but it quickly fades once you realize what you know. Soon, it just gets annoying running into those kinds of things until they just fade away.

Those are for two reasons. One is that you aren't stupid anymore, you know not to walk through dark alleyway at night and you also know where to steer clear of. You don't make dumb decisions based on work or getting home quicker, you're smart.

Two is because you're protected. If you're on my side, then that means you are protected by the one and only Z. You have eyes on you at every waking hour which also means that no matter what happens, Z will know.

If you get robbed, she can find them in less than 10 minutes. If you get kidnapped, she can track you with a click of a button. If you somehow get killed, she will avenge your death and make your killer's death last years.

Just make yourself valuable, something she cannot lose without getting bit in the ass- if you do that, you're untouchable.

With all of these perks that also include getting a shitload of money just for carrying a heavy bag across state lines, keeping threats away, and keeping your eyes open- there are some people that simply cannot handle the stress, they are horrible at doing their job.

One of those people are Chris and I'd hoped to have more time with him before throwing him out in the field but, oh well.

"Does this suit make me look fat?" Chris whispers into my ear, my eyes looking at the minions dressed up in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry with my heels clinking against the concrete.

"Chris," I hiss, keeping a smile on my face as we continue making our way towards the large open doors with people crowded inside.

"Sorry," He whispers and after some seconds of peaceful silence, I felt his hand slip between my arm and waist. Holding my arm with his eyes looking at a couple, copying them.

"Is anyone going to care about that thing on your chest?" Chris points directly at where my tattoo would be but he furrow his brows. "Wait, where is it? The S?"

Oh my fucking-

I yank his arm, bringing him right back to the car and I shove him into the seat. I slam the door behind me and Alex's head whips towards us.

"Yo! The fuck!" Alex shouts, obviously confused and annoyed that we are sitting in his backseats again. He was wearing a very formal suit with a black hat, he was a chauffeur tonight after all.

"Chris!" I huff, "I brought you to this fucking party on the condition you shut the fuck up!"

"You need to stop with the questions and keep your mouth shut. Your job is to look pretty and observer what I do, this isn't a fucking joke!"

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