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(2470 words)

"Don't let it fool you
Don't let it fool you down."

Ivy Brooks

This place sucks.

I know many people come in droves to see the amazing Santa Monica Pier but I can't seem to figure out why they come here. There are drunken idiots falling out of every ride and the food costs more than it's worth.

Sophie is currently trying to put her big ass bottle of rum in her little purse by her side, taking the most obvious slugs off of it when she thinks no one is looking. Jackson is just enjoying his time out in the world, he doesn't get to do this usually since he's wanted in almost fifteen states.

"So, what are we going to do next?" Sophie turns to me, waving her purse at my face and I scoff, lifting up my bottle of vodka that isn't so hidden.

"How about we go on the fairest wheel?" Jack points up to the large circular ride, the air must be so calm up there and I wonder how people can feel so relaxed when they're inches away from falling to their death.

"That doesn't sound like a good time," Matt shakes his head, looking at the ride like it had nine inch claws and blood dripping from its teeth.

Oh yeahhhh, did I mention that we haven't been able to shake off Chris and his brothers?

I pinch my eyebrows at him, who wouldn't want to get the taste of death on their tongue while also feeling that buzzing feeling of relaxation and warmth?

"Matt's afraid of heights," Nick plants his hands on Matt's shoulders, smiling like the devil himself about his brother's fear.

I nod, looking at the giant wheel again and thinking for a moment. I think I've had enough of people tonight and I'd gladly remove myself from this situation since it'll mean less time for Chris' brothers to get enough on me to identify me when the time comes.

Now I just need to figure out how to get out of this without Soph dragging me by the hair to another food stand or ride.

"Hey, I left something in the car. I'll be right back," I tap Sophie's shoulder, pointing behind me with my thumb and pulling a lie out of my ass.

She nods, "Okay, can you get me my coat?"

I smile widely, "Nope," I spin around on my heels, walking towards the dark parking lot with my bottle in one hand and my self esteem higher than my shoulders.

The cool nightly breeze kissed my skin gently, the crowd of people being easy for me to slip pass with my heels clinking against the concrete. My ears picking up on random conversations going on around me, most about useless things things that don't mean anything. But it's still fun to eavesdrop.

"When are we going home?"

"Do you want the red or blue one?"

"That's some overpriced bullshit,"


I stop, I know that voice.

I relevantly look over my shoulder to see Chris jogging over to me and our small group disappearing into the crowds of people.


"Sophie said to make sure you got to the car okay," He pants out, the corners of his lips curled up into a gentle smile.

"Thank you, but I'm fine." I try to shake him off, continuing to walk towards the darkness where I could easily slip away and catch a cab back to a random park or somewhere near our house.

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