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               𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 training grounds about half an hour later, Antoine was more than happy to let them come with us, and made also them feel more than welcome. Bea's cheeks were being coated bright red by the minute

I actually didn't know about this crush of hers, but I've gotta make something happen right? The receptionist let us straight through due to recognising Griezmann, and pointed us in the right direction.

The pitch was dark, only being illuminated by a few towering lights overhead which still made no difference, but that didn't stop the players who were actually moving around almost like a dance sequence.

"Hey Bea, is there any reason your blushing so bad?" I asked her innocently, although I couldn't see I could tell she was even brighter red right now, I love this so much.

"João, it's me, you're bestest friend, and I've brought the love your life and her friends with me," I laughed at his dramatics, but the light above us illuminated someone emerging from the shadows at full speed towards Antoine.

"Be quiet, why are you so loud?" João emphasised each word with a punch to his friends arm.

"Ow, okay, okay I'll stop. Just go make out your wife already damn," the French player pouted while rubbing his arm up and down. I watched as the Portugal player rolled his eyes before coming towards me at full speed "no João wai-"

I felt the air in my lungs being cut off as I was tackled down onto the ground. The blow was softened due to the amount of layers I decided to wear, tell me how it went from 21°C to 9°C in the span of a few hours. That's mad.

"I missed you," I felt the hot breath fanning onto my face, which instantly made me relax

"I missed you too, but you didn't need to kill me," I heard an echo of 'awww's coming from my left. As I lifted my head, I saw the three of them literally fan girling.

"What, You three want some autographs or something?" I don't know if you can tell, but this is sarcasm. I thought it was quite clear until I saw Mr Griezmann jumping up and down like a madman.


"Wait, I'm sorry, your forehead?"

"It'll surprise you how many people ask for their foreheads signed,"

That's actually so. Weird? I guess, I don't actually know if he's joking or not. I mean who am I to judge right? It's really none of my business.

We we're all making light conversation, laughing at each other's jokes until I realised the position I was in. I was sat between his legs, on the ground, with him hugging me from behind, that's a win win if you ask me.

"Félix, quit the chit chat and get back on the pitch," I felt the presence behind me jump at the sudden shouting, but nevertheless return back to training.

"Is it okay if you guys wait for me after my training?" It won't be too long."

"Sure, now go back before they rip your head off," he ran back onto the pitch but I heard a laugh from him, I turned back around to Millie right up in my face.

"Oh my fucking god you bitch, you scared the shit out of me,"

"You better tell me what that was, you guys only had one date, how the hell are you that close," I looked behind Millie to see if Bea was listening in, instead, she was talking to Antoine! Yes, victory dance. Anyways let's get back to this question.

"Well, he took me to the beach and we kissed, which I was gonna tell you as soon as we got back to the hotel, but I guess here's okay too." Millie jumped up and down screaming which made the other two turn to her in distress. After I told them everything's fine, they went back to chatting.

Although I'm surprised the players didn't hear, I mean they probably did, I just couldn't see them.

"Hey, settle this debate for us, who do you guys think is better, Me or Kylian?" Antoine and Bea came approaching, with a bitter look residing on her face.

"Oh definitely you, Mbappé's only advantage is speed,"

"See? Thank you! She gets it," I felt Antoine come to my side and swing an arm around my shoulder, messing my hair up in the process

"It's definitely Mbappé! He's got way more goals than you and his stats are higher," I felt a dramatic gasp from besides me.

"I'm wounded, how can such a beautiful girl know nothing about football and who the real champion is," it took all my willpower to not awe at the 'beautiful girl' but I could see Bea's soul dancing, it was honestly so cute.

"Okay but the real question is," I looked towards Antoine, "Me or João Félix?"
You see, I obviously knew Antoine wouldn't pick me, but what he didn't know was that back home I am actually in the Chelsea Women's Football Club.


"What kind of question is that? The answer is still and will always be me!" I laughed at his attempt at claiming he was the superior footballer and pushed him away from me for that.

"No but really, you who has no skill against a professional footballer? No chance." I heard my girls laughing at his response.

"Hey, I'm back. Training is over, what are you guys talking about?" His cute little accent came out on that last part but I chose it obsess over it internally.

"Well Analina here thinks she's better thank you at football," Ooooh drama, and I'm here for it.

"Oh, I know I'm better than him at football."

"Ana is this true? Wow, and I thought Antoine had a big ego," I rolled my eyes at the offended 'oi' Griezmann let out. He thinks I have an ego? Oh it's sooo on.

"Okay then, why don't we play 1v1 right now? In fact, I've actually got kit on underneath this so I think all we need it a ball." I heard a roar of oooh's and ahhh's from the shadows, or that could have been the adrenaline making me go crazy, there really was no in between.

"Okay, you've got yourself a deal Martinez, may the best man win,"

"Trying to say I look like a man Félix?"



Guys, it was Barcelona v Atletico de Madrid, Atletico lost 1-0 😐

João, Gavi, Griezmann>>>

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