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             𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 an eternity of walking, we finally arrived at the little cafe. We all ordered some food and a coffee before sitting down (well I ordered a hot chocolate, but you didn't need to know that)

"Miss Jean, may I have a picture please?" I looked towards Camille to see a little pre-teen girl with her phone in her hand approaching her.

"Of course you can! Here Bea could you take this picture please," she asked before handing the phone towards Bea in order to take a picture.

Did I fail to mention Millie was quite a famous model? She was in a few shows as well growing up, I don't really remember the name of them, I think one was on Nickelodeon?

"Thank you Miss Jean," as the little girl walked away, Camille sat down and dug into her wrap, there was a comfortable silence between the three of us, resulting in me just looking around to scan the people in the café. I was getting up to go to the toilet, before Camille shouted.

"Ana, can you get me some ketchup? This Chicken is dry. Thank you!" I rolled my eyes, what am I? Her servant? Anyways, because the counter was on the way, I decided to grab her ketchup first.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, you just bumped into ME," um rude, I looked up to see a man around six foot looking down at me, as if he was superior. Actually, he also reminded me of a turtle oddly, I honestly don't know why

"Sorry, I was just going to the counter,"

I watched him roll his eyes and head towards the toilets. The audacity, I should have just punched him then and there, what was there to lose? But instead I stayed calm, surprisingly.

I completely lost my trail of thought and just gave up. I head back to the table and told them about this whole encounter. I didn't even end up going to the toilet.

"Wait, so he bumped into you and told you to watch where you were going?" Millie questioned.

"Well I don't know who bumped into who, but he was so rude about it, like a simple sorry would have done, he was literally looking at me like he was better than me though, had an accent though so that guy was definitely either came for the World Cup, or he's not from here,"

Damn, it was only I few second encounter but I spoke about this guy like I was a world class detective. I think I deserve a pat on the back for that one!

"Well I'm really sorry that happened to you, but we better get back. The France match is in an hour," I side hugged Bea, before getting throw my litter away and leaving.

We arrived at the hotel quicker than we got to the cafe and checked to see we only had 50 minutes left. Millie went off to her separate room, I need to quickly take a shower.

I heard my phone buzz before I could step into the shower. Looking down, I saw a message received from my soon to be husband ofc

@𝐉𝐎𝐀𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗𝟕𝟗 : Hey how are you?

I decided to answer him and then leaving my phone for a few minutes to show I'm not desperate, that will work right?

@𝐀𝐍𝐀.𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐙 : Hi, I'm good. How are you?

I stepped into the shower, after hearing Be outside complaining

"Wait, I'm nearly done."

After having my shower and proceeding to do my skincare, I walked the room, and Bea went in after me. I picked up my shirt and looked at the back.

"Right, I can either search who this person is up, or i can just blindly go into this match with no effort except buying a t-shirt is made. Hmmmm, I think imma go with the second option," I smiled to myself and put some legging on, after putting the jersey on, I made sure to get a few sizes above for an oversized look.

Wait a minute I think I have some trainers to match this jersey, they were a dark shade of navy blue, damn it. Silly French people with their cool jersey's, in that moment, I decided to blow dry my hair and curl it, I loved my hair the way it was. I decided to leave it out, added my Pandora bracelet on, and I was ready-  no wait. I need my perfume- at the moment my current obsession was Daisy by Marc Jacobs.

Bea came out of the bathroom, already ready, I'm assuming she just got ready in the bathroom.

"Come on let's go get your sister. We need to be there in 30 minutes," I left the room not forgetting my phone and my purse.

Bea knocked on Millie's door while I glanced down to check my phone.

@𝐉𝐎𝐀𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗𝟕𝟗 : Yes I am good, excited to see you amor. The coach has got us training all day so I'm absolutely tired. Any plans for today?

I smiled down at one word 'amor' we had only just met and this guy was calling me amor? Wow. That's crazy, but I'm not complaining.

@𝐀𝐍𝐀.𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐙 : oh wow, I could never train for that long, I really respect you guys. Right now my sister came to visit us, so now we have to go to France matches too.

I looked up to see Millie emerge from her room,  with a camera in her hand, knowing her she'd probably break it, but warning herb would be even harder.

"Come on, lets just go, we're gonna be late," I rolled my eyes at her tardiness, but I was in a good mood so I'm not ruining that.

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