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                𝐖𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 doors and saw some of the players were occupied with fans, I looked around and spotted turtle man, making sure to stay as far away as possible.

"Ana! I missed you," I looked to my left and saw Antoine approaching with his arms wide open; inviting me in for a hug. Which I returned.

"Antoine, it's only been two day since your last match," I giggled "now how have you been?"

"I've been absolutely good, although I heard another friend of mine has been much better," he nudged my shoulder while laughing.

I looked down while blushing, then to look back up when I realised I couldn't see Millie or Bea anywhere, until I saw them split up talking to different football players.

"Oh shit, I haven't actually told my friends yet. Thanks for reminding me," I was about to head towards them before being stopped.

"Antoine, long time no see, how have you been these days?" The Mbappe's approached excluding their ninja son. They had a small conversation with Griezmann before I slowly jolted to the left, reminding Antoine of my presence.

"Ah yes, Mr and Mrs Mbappe, this is Analina. Analina this is Kylian's parents,"

I nodded at them politely. This was the second time seeing them today, I saw Mbappé walk towards us after spotting his parents talking to me. Oh this was gonna be fun.

"Yes, we actually met during the game, we've become great friends," I informed Antoine. We all collectively laughed as a I looked to a shocked Mbappé just stood there.

"Kylian, this is the girl I was talking about, isn't she perfect?" Perfect for what. I looked to Griezmann who shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

"No ma, I don't think she wants to-"

Oh nonsense," the shocked look on his face made me nearly burst out laughing. Nearly.

"Darling, you'd be perfect for our little Kylian, would you consider going out on a date with him?"

I watched as he slapped his hands onto his face, clear embarrassment. My cheeks started to burn. I heard a laugh coming from behind his mum from Ethan. At least one of us was having fun.

"I'm, uh, flattered honestly, but I'm already taken." His mum sighed in defeat. But accepted it anyways. What is going on right now, it feels like a fever dream.

"Okay Kylian, we have to go reserve a room at the hotel, we'll see you later. Bye Analina, Antoine," I gave a quick fist bump to Ethan which I made sure Kylian saw. His jaw honestly dropped in an instant.

I turned to Griezmann who honestly had tears in his eyes, shaking with silent laughter. "It's not funny," I punched the side of his arm, this is so awkward.

"Um, I'm really sorry about the way my mum acted, just for the record, you didn't have to lie to her though," I'm actually puzzled.

"I'm sorry, lie about what?"

"Lie about being taken," oh my days, why is he so obsessed with my love life, does this guy just not get enough of his own?

"Just when I thought you were a descent human being for apologise you go and say something stupid, get the hell out my face, piss me off so much,"

"If I piss you off, then why are you wearing my jersey," I turned to look at him again.

"Oh I see now, I'm probably guessing you've heard what happened at the Portugal game, but sorry to break it to you, I was originally gonna get number 11's jersey, but they'd ran out, so I had to get the least popular one which turned out to be yours," I heard a oooh from all angles of the changing room, ah shit.

"That's funny cuz there's about five people in here wearing my jersey, what do you have to say about that,"

"Maybe it's just pity cuz you have no skills, and look like a teenage mutant ninja turtle, hey by the way has anyone ever said that to you?" He rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Damn Martinez, that was harsh. But between me and you, everyone and their mother have told him he looks like a ninja turtle." And that was honestly the highlight of my day.

"Hey Ana are you free right now? We can go down to Portugal's training grounds if you want. I've gotten special permission from João ofc so the coast is clear." I considered it for a moment before remembering my friends.

"Hold on a Minute, let me go and ask my friends," I headed towards Millie and Bea who were silently chatting in the corner.

"Hey guys, is it alright if I go hang out with Antoine? I also need to tell you guys about my date yesterday, so make sure you get some snacks on your way home for a movie marathon," Millie squealed.

"Oh my days, yes of course you can, go get your man sis," I laughed at this horrible phrase.

I'd just got an amazing idea.

I looked at Bea, and then towards Antoine.

"Hey, actually why don't you guys tag along? I'm sure Antoine won't mind," they both nodded along, but that didn't make me miss the 'subtle' fist pump Bea did with her right hand.

Welcome to my second series I like to call, 'Bea and Grizzy' let's see how long it takes for them to get together, I say three weeks? They'd be so cute together.

𝐃𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄 || Jᴏᴀ̃ᴏ Fᴇ́ʟɪx Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz