Chapter 27|Me, myself and I|Dazzling light

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»Okay, see you later then.« Yunho hugged his black haired friend before he and Seonghwa turned their heads and went their separate ways. He hesitantly walked towards the music store across the street, but looked back to see Seonghwa, who was walking alone and nervously down the street towards the 24/7 shop. He kept an eye on the older one until he arrived at the shop and after a moment's hesitation went inside. Hoping that Seonghwa would be safe in the shop, Yunho set out on his quest himself. He walked down the street and headed towards the shop that was on his right. He passed a book store and a nice ice cream shop before arriving in front of the music store and hesitating for a moment. It was dark in the shop. It was totally dark in there except for a small desk lamp glowing by the cash register and Yunho could hardly see anything when he looked through the window except for a collection of electric guitars hanging on the wall behind the cash register and were lightly illuminated by the small lamp.

»Let's go then.« Yunho entered the shop through the glass door and took a rough look around from the entrance area. It was his job to find a guitar. Yunho crossed his arms and sighed.

»Needle in a haystack. Easy peasy.« With that, he left the foyer and went in search of the guitar area. First of all, he took on the electric guitars on the wall. According to his letter, his last name was engraved on the guitar, but that was really the only clue he had. He didn't know if it was an electric, acoustic, or any other type of guitar, what color it was, or what condition it was in. It was a secondhand shop, which meant there were perfectly intact guitars on that wall, but also a few obviously damaged ones with scratches and dents.

»Where are you?« Yunho muttered to himself, examining every single electric guitar he found on the wall for its last name, but couldn't find it on any of them. Frustrated, he turned away from the electric guitars, but didn't let that discourage him. The guitar would be somewhere in this shop, he just had to look in the right place. He walked away from the checkout and looked further up the front of the store, but found nothing guitar-related except for a few guitar parts-new strings or tuners. He walked past the cash register to the back of the shop, which already looked a lot more promising. The whole area was filled with guitars. There were probably several dozen, spread out along the walls and on a shelf that divided the room into an area for electric guitars and another for other types of guitar. Only slightly discouraged by the sheer volume of guitars in the store, Yunho continued his search, looking at one guitar at a time. With some guitars he had to look a little longer and more closely than with others. The surface of the wooden bodies of some of the guitars was so badly damaged that about four times Yunho briefly thought he saw a name carved into the wood, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be nothing more than overlapping scratches on the wood wood out. A little frustrated, Yunho ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

»Come on. I know you are here. But where?« asked the tall black-haired one, addressing the guitar, but of course she didn't answer. So Yunho continued his search. He searched the shop for twenty minutes, searching every inch of each guitar, but couldn't find a guitar with his name on it in any form. None had a name sticker, nothing was scratched anywhere and his name wasn't written anywhere on it with a felt pen. When there was nothing to be found on the last guitar on the shelves, he put it back on the shelf - slowly getting really annoyed - and looked around.

»Don't make it so difficult for me.« he grumbled and went back to the front of the store. "Where else can you be?" Yunho considered. He'd searched everything here and there, so basically there was only one place left to look. The staff area. Behind the cash register, to the left of the wall with the electric guitars, there was a door through which Yunho entered the staff area. It was a small room furnished like a music studio. Yunho looked around smiling. There were keyboards in one corner of the room and next to them a desk with two monitors, a mixer and a folder of sheet music. Behind a drum set in another corner of the room, Yunho spotted another guitar stand with a single guitar on it and Yunho happily ran towards it.

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