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A/N: Before I start, just want to thank y'all for 2K reads on this book. I'm a garbo writer, but I'm glad that people seem to still read this story, especially after the long extended break. I also wanted to say that updates for this book will be a bit slower not that the 2nd semester of school has started back, but I'll make sure to not take too longer to release chapters. Thanks.

1st POV, Beacon Academy, Amphitheater

I've never seen so much music notes in one place at one time before. Flynt's strategy was simple, keep his distance, get Ibon caught in the music notes, and then strike while the iron's hot. Too bad for him however, Ibon had other plans. Ibon was happy with playing the chasing game, she had to do that to beat Pierre.

Finally catching up to him, she changed her bow into her double-edged sword and began attacking head on. Flynt began to panic a bit, I don't really blame him, a trumpet is not very optimal to defend against a sword with. He tried his best however, using the trumpet to parry some attacks that wouldn't cause damage to it. The other attacks, which were most of them, were landing left and right. Flynt's aura was going down at a steady pace, so he decided to get himself outta there. He fainted dodging to the left in order to leave the barrage of hit he was taking. Ibon fell for it and tried to cut him off. Flynt played his trumpet and music notes slammed into Ibon sending her flying in the air. She recovered after landing on a platform. Seeing as this was his only opportunity, Flynt didn't let up. He kept sending music note after music notes forcing Ibon to move.

Ibon jumped from platform to platform, avoiding the music notes played at her. Getting fed up, Flynt used Killer Quartet and created copies of himself. This was he fatal mistake, not only was he only the last legs of his aura, but he was also stuck in one spot which is what Ibon observed happened when his used his semblance. Ibon ran at Flynt and faked slashing across his chest. Flynt fell for it and stopped playing, he jumped back to avoid the strike only to catch another one in the back. Flynt fell on one knee, his aura was now red. Goodwitch called the match right there.

Lander, Ivy, and I all stood and clapped loudly while cheering for our classmate. She did well, although I was expecting a bit more from Flynt, and I'm sure she was too. After a few minutes, she made it back to where we seating and sat down with an exasperated exhale.

"Nice job Ari, you put that trumpet player on his knees." IT

"Thanks Ivy, I kinda expected a bit more from him honestly. Once I got in close it was like he ran out of things to do." AI

Knew it.

"Well that's reasonable, I mean dude only has a trumpet for a weapon. I'd be a bit panicked too if I brought a trumpet to a sword fight." BT

"I suppose you're right, he really should find another alternative though." AI

"Right. Makes me wonder how he's gotten so far off only his music note attacks. I mean surely they've figured him out already right?" LL

"Who knows, you'd think that students at a military focused academy would be able to adapt to how someone fights." IV

Goodwitch took the center of the amphitheater again and announced the next of the fights.

"The fight will be Haven's Sun Wukong vs Atlas' Neon Katt. Would both students make their way to the arena please."

The fight between Neon and Sun was more intense than the last. Neon did indeed move around on roller skates, and she did indeed use taunting as a battle strategy. It didn't seem to affect Sun too much, he kept Neon somewhat away from him with the range of his bo staff. He was fighting confident, and it looked like the fight was slowly edging towards his favor. It wasn't until Neon brought out some nunchucks and cracked them that it became interesting.

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