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[|||3RD POV |||]

*knock* *knock*

"Come in."

"Ah Professor Rumpole, you're here early, is there something the-"

"There is something very much the matter."

"What? What is the issue?"

"There have been reports of multiple tribes being taken out in the dunes all around Vacuo."

"Well, we're they peaceful tribes?"

"No, but-"

"Then I don't see the problem."

"It was done by one individual, and said individual fits the description Ozpin gave us."

"Oh my, so he was responsible for the fall of the Sanders Sand Tribe. Interesting, truly interesting. I'll tell Ozpin immedi-"

"Theodore wait."


"This boy, didn't he reject joining Beacon?"

"Yes he did, so what?"

"He shows great potential, I've seen recordings of him in battle. Why don't we try and bring him here, to Shade?"

"What? Are you serious? After turning down the offer right in front of Ozpin and Ironwood, you think he's just going to accept our invitation?"

"He might've felt overwhelmed, either that or they threatened him with incarceration."

"Hmm. We are one short are the incident a couple weeks ago. Maybe I can convince him that Shade is a good option for him."

"If we play our cards right, then I believe it's possible."

"Alright then, I trust you can handle things here while I'm out?"

"Of course."

"Haha, on I go then."


The things people have said about this place are really just half truths. They might've just not had a good experience when they were here because it really isn't that bad. I mean yeah, it is hot as crap and like no one follows any "laws", but it's also got...this burger joint? OK, I never said there's much to do, I'm saying it's just not bad.

I'll admit, I kinda got bored wondering around to find Grimm or corrupt tribes to fight. I haven't been real inconspicuous with it either. After I took out that sand dune tribe, many others have been going after me either trying to recruit me to take me out.

Recently, I've been spending my time looking into the Tome of Thunder. The tome is pretty lightweight despite its appearance, or maybe I'm just that strong, not sure. There was the option to have 5 books in total or just one book that can charge and use the abilities of the others. Of course I choose the one book, seems a lot simpler.

The 5 abilities of the book are Thunder, Elthunder, Arcthunder, Thorn, and Rexbolt. They each get stronger as it goes up the list but the speed and distance varies. Like for instance Arcthunder is more powerful than Thunder and moves further but is much slower.

After reaching Lvl. 50 I was give even more pc to use. Yeah, I have really been slacking in that department. I decided to get the next advancement in my weapon which in turn unlocked 'Levin Sword'. Now I have to say, the Levin Sword looks much cooler than the Bronze and Iron ones.

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