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After I ate, me and Summer set off to Beacon. Over that period of time, I've learned some things from Summer about different types of Grimm and dust. I also got to see Summer fight a large pack of Grimm...by herself. I'm still hurt that I had so much trouble with three of the least challenging Grimm, while Summer is taking out these huge snake looking Grimm called King Taijitus.

Another thing, Summer has been acting way too 'motherly' towards me. Hell, the fact she is at all is just creepy and weird. She's constantly making sure I'm alright and that I've ate or slept, and don't even get me started with the training. After one morning Summer found out I did runs very early in the day to (try to) improve my speed, she has taken it upon herself to run with me and make sure I go at a nice pace.

Oh and one more thing, the swear jar. I found out what she was talking about at the inn, and I'm not glad I did. Every single time I even say a part of a word that sounds 'dirty' I have to pay up.

It's been two weeks, almost three, and Summer has been getting more frustrated by the day. I mean, I don't know what she expected. Like I was just going to be willing to take a quick trip to Beacon and have a 'chat' with the man in charge without giving her some complications. Nonetheless, we still somehow made it here. After a bunch of walking and a trip on cool ass airship called a bullhead, we made it Beacon.

We landed on the landing pad and Summer wasted no time pulling me out of the bullhead and to the academy. I don't know if you can called this an academy. This looks like a castle that academy students would see in their history books.

Going into the academy, we got a lot of eyes from the students that were there. I mean to there eyes, it did kinda look like either I was being kidnapped or was being apprehended for doing something illegal, and frankly it feels like both.

We reached an elevator and Summer pressed a button to send us up. I had the urge to press more buttons but Summer seemed to have realized that before I even thought it and moved in front of the buttons. So much for stalling.

The elevator doors opened back up and we walked into what I suppose is the office of Ozpin. It was very open spaced and the walls were littered with books. It looked like we were in a clock tower since just about everything in here looked like a gear.

Waiting for us was four people, to the very left was a tall ragged dude with slicked back hair and looks like he's had too much to drink. The second was a blonde woman who had a purple cape on her back, she looked irritated. The third was probably the most relaxed out of the four, he had white hair and was wearing a green blazer with a black buttoned up shirt underneath and seemed physically and emotionally attached to his mug. The last was what can only be described as some type of army general who's seen a few battles. He wears a glove on one hand, I already don't trust him. Well let's see what they have to say.

"Ah, you've arrived. It was later than expected but I'm glad to see you've made back in one piece."

"I for one would like to know who the fuck y'all are and why I'm fucking here."

Summer didn't waste time trying to get me here, I'm not wasting time trying to get out.

"Excuse me young man, that language is not-"

"Oh man, don't tell me you have a swear jar too? Or are you just stuck up?"

"Pardon me? You think-"

"Glynda, please, let's not provoke our guest."


"Allow me to introduce you to everyone. This is my trusted colleague General James Ironwood, this is my assistant Professor Glynda Goodwitch, and this Qrow Branwen. I'm sure you already know your escort here, Summer Rose, and I'm the headmaster of this academy Professor Ozpin. Now that that's finished, who might you be?"

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