Part Two: Arrival I

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Under the beating morning sun, the Senju and Uchiha clans were engaged in another of their unending battles. The two rival clans fought to the death. Fierce blows were exchanged, and the groans and screams of the wounded and dying were ringing in the ears of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha.

They exchanged blow after blow, but like all their previous fights, part of their hearts remained affected by the other. Their bond of friendship couldn't be entirely forgotten, as much as Madara had tried. Their current battle, although more intense and powerful than any their comrades were engaged in, was little more than a competitive spar. Neither engaged their full strengths against each other, their eyes never betraying a true killing intent.

Across the field of battle, however, a true deathmatch had begun between their younger brothers. Tobirama and Izuna exchanged heated blows, and from the corner of his eye, Madara instinctively understood that his brother was going to die. Without a second glance at Hashirama, he turned to reach Izuna. Hashirama halted his attack long enough to see their brothers engagement, and his eyes widened as he realised the jutsu, the distance, the intent of his brother. Izuna would not be able to avoid it.

But just as Tobirama was about to lunge, he hesitated. Hashirama, Madara and the warriors around them all felt what Tobirama did moments later. Chakra. Massive amounts of it coming their way, enough to make many among them tremble and collapse to their hands and knees. Even Hashirama felt a sense of dread at the enormity of it. It was unlike anything Madara or Hashirama had ever felt before, and yet, there was something about it that was almost familiar to them.


Madara shouted his brother's name in warning as Tobirama took advantage of the distraction to attack again. The surprise attack landed, and Tobirama's kunai lodged itself in his side, just as a burst of light blinded all the Shinobi, and both Madara and Hashirama had to shield their eyes from its glare.

Within seconds it faded, growing smaller and weaker until it disappeared completely and all they saw was two strangely dressed figures where the light had been. Madara almost cried out in surprise and alarm, but held himself back, uncertain of what he had seen, while Hashirama stared in open amazement and confusion. Behind the figures, Izuna dropped to his knees, clutching his side, and Madara, disregarding any danger or care, rushed past the two strangers to reach his brother.

The two people, a young man and woman, looked around them in desperate confusion.

"What is this?"

The girl breathed the question. Her eyes widened in shock as they landed on Hashirama. He took in her appearance: pink hair, green eyes, young, and exhausted by the look of her eyes. She wore black trousers and a black sleeved shirt, her clothes were ripped and dirtied, she looked as though she'd been in battle. Her companion appeared similar: battle-worn and dirty. But his black clothes were covered with a green jacket she didn't have. His piercing black eyes and long black hair could have fit in with the Uchiha clan surrounding them.


He heard Madara's shout and Hashirama snapped out of his stare. He looked to where Madara sat on his knees, holding his brother up. His heart sank and stomach coiled. If Izuna died... he shuddered to think what Madara might do, how he might react. Hashirama glanced around them. The battlefield had stilled on both sides, everyone was too shocked to move.

"Senju!" His clan snapped to attention. "Fall back." A little dazed, the Senju shinobi stepped back, and with a quick hand gesture from Madara, so did the Uchiha. "Tobirama," Hashirama growled threateningly when he felt his brother's chakra spike. Tobirama shot him a sharp glare, but obeyed, stepping back from Madara and Izuna.

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