The Captain would never

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Mark started to glitch, switching from universe to universe. The Captain followed him down the hallway, then they were in the control room. Mark's voice sounded strained as he tried to yell above the commotion of the ship.

"Captain, something is very wrong."

The Captain tried to follow but they were back at the elevator.

"...always remembers their..." the world around them flickered in images faster than Captain could comprehend as Mark finished his thought woth a whisper,"Father."

The walls seemed to fall away in digital streams as they were no longer in the elevator. They followed Mark down the hallway as he seemed to glitch from one universe to the next. Straps of reality seemed to be ripping to reveal mechanical static underneath.

Mark became noir, in black and white, a construction worker, he even turned into Dark at one point.

Then everything shifted and they were at the door to the warp core. Things still weren't right as the Captain felt themselves moving backwards, watching as Mark "fixed" everything in reverse.

The Captain was glad for some familiarity, expecting Cici to smack Marks hat right off his head, but she didn't. Instead she pulled Mark into a kiss.

The kiss seemed to start everything forward again as Mark pulled away in almost anger.

"Cici?" He asked with venom in his words. Captain could see that these two were from different universes. Cici was still in a relationship with Mark but he hadn't started one with her yet.

"Mark? What's going on?"

Marks ears were turning red as he glanced between Cici and the Captain. He took a few moments then made direct eye contact with The Captain, his eyes narrowing slightly just for a moment, then he turned and kissed her back.

"This was a secret, Cici." He said coldly and through a fake grin, his lip curled slightly.

"I thought you were dead, Asshat." She said, he voice pitching.

" Technically... but Captain and I are immortal." Mark stated proudly.

Hadn't they just learned from Lady that these weren't do overs or retries. They were just waking up in their alternate bodies?

"What was that, Captain?" Mark whispered, leaning closer,"The last thing I remember? Well... uh... I remember... you saving me from the Lady with that device."

He was lying. He was damn good at it too. He remembered Dark. This was the same Mark from that same Universe where they had killed Dark. Mark had trusted them so much, had that one murder been enough for Mark to completely turn on them?

Captain stormed past, trying to not think about those soft, brown eyes that hated them now.

Captain went to the hallway to the war core. They were going to find the warp core and end this nightmare. They wanted off this ship and away from Mark... and away from the death on their hands.

They started to mess with the crystal on their hand, jumping as Mark grabbed them by the wrist. They looked up at him as he stepped forward, forcing them to back up against a wall.

"Where are you going, Captain?" He asked in an accusing tone, pressing up to him. Mark wasn't the tallest man, but he still stood over them at this point. Captain had slid slightly down the wall, giving him a few inches on them. His free hand leaned on the wall above them.

"Where are you going? You should stop and think before you do anything else." His voice was low and had a hint of warning. He raised his brow as the Captain shifted.

"Going to shoot me like you did Dark?" He asked. How could they tell him why they did it? It was for him,"For me? Captain, he was unarmed, I wasn't in the room, he was backing away from you, and you had just left me behind to die when the Lady shot me."

Captain opened their mouth but nothing. Oh how they wished they could just speak.

"You don't have to." Mark said softly,"Well, looks like there is a choice here. Stay and prove to me you're not a murderer, or go back to your adventures."

The captain looked to each side of his head at each of the choices in front of them.

"No... no there are only these two choices! You can't make up your own, you reckless..." He was cut off as they grabbed him by both wrists and activated the crystal, pulling him along with them into the wormhole.

They landed in the control room, Mark looking around, his gaze eventually landing on their hands, which he yanked apart.

"So careless!" He shouted as all of the power seemed to flicker. Noone else was awake in this universe. There were papers with tallies on them and Mark had hair to his shoulders, half pulled back out of his way.

"I remember this... you were only here once before. You never wake up here, I'm always alone here. I go. I come back. I go. I always come back. I always come BACK."

The captain gently put a hand on his shoulder as his breath quickened. He ran a hand through his hair over and over again, trying to catch his breath.

"Captain, I don't think I can do this anymore." He whispered, walking away slowly,"I'm going to cryo. Wake me when you figure something out... or just let this version of me sleep. Or... get us out of here... please. "

The captain tried. Over and over. Mark looked more and more lost each time it failed.

This time, they showed up, exhausted and anguished. Mark seemed resigned. He was so much older now. His hair was so much longer.

"Captain... come have dinner with me." He motioned and started to walk to the Cafeteria,"I don't think I'll have time to ask you on a date after this, if there is an after. Let's just have dinner."

The choices came up. Dinner with Mark, fix it from the outside. This Mark would be alone again if they left.

They grabbed Mark by the hand and let him lead the way.

((Author Note: i just edited this and added a part to make it make more sense. I originally wrote this while trying to fall asleep))

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