Chapter Twenty Five: Pickles

Start from the beginning

Tobias blinked with a slightly confused expression on his face at first, then it relaxed when he seemed to finally understand that Pickles was teasing. "I- I suppose so," Tobias agreed awkwardly with a small smile.

Current Day...

Pickles and Tobias were in the latter's room, with Pickles leaning against the wall and Tobias sitting awkwardly on his bed, tapping his fingers on his knee.

"Ya know, yew didn't haveta t'row Salem under de bus," Pickles told the other quietly."Yew don't gotta try ta protect me or anyt'in' jest because we're brothers. I would trust 'em wit' my life."

Tobias nodded and sighed quietly. "I'm sorry," Tobias murmured. "I've just- I've always wanted a real family member, and now that I have one, it feels so surreal. I'm afraid of something, anything, coming in to destroy it."

"Now do yew see Salem as destroyin' somet'in' like dat?" Pickles raised a brow as he looked over at the younger man. "I mean, don' get me wrong. I was curious about dat shit tew, but..."

"But Pickles, didn't you bring it up at some point because you didn't trust them? Because of Nat?"

Pickles winced. He couldn't deny that. "Ye... guess yer right. I, I dunno. But man... deir story was crazy. It hurt tew hear."

Tobias nodded solemnly. "We- Nathalia and I- didn't know much about their story other than when their brother died, they also killed their parents in self-defense. I mean, it's pretty horrific all on its own, but the added layers of torture and abuse that they went through, and the religious torment... And all the pain that must be following them for not saving Alex in time because they were too afraid. For resorting to torture and 'evil' behavior. And how conflicting that must be. I couldn't begin to imagine. The only one who might come close is Toki."

"Ye," Pickles agreed quietly. "I t'ought my family was bad."

Tobias looked over at him sympathetically. "They are bad. Just because Salem's parents were physically abusive to them, doesn't somehow make the emotional and verbal abuse you went through invalid. Or maybe even physical, considering your brother, erm, Seth. You know."

Pickles shrugged, pursing his lips. God, he hated even thinking about that guy at this point. He shoved thoughts of his fake family away, opting to instead worry about the way Salem dashed out of the room after the meeting. "Man, I hope dey're okie..."

"They will be." Tobias shifted to sit cross-legged and face Pickles fully. "I admit it wasn't like me to throw them under the bus like that, but knowing you're one of the closest people to them now... I was overwhelmed with paranoia about what could have possibly triggered their need to kill. I spoke on behalf of an emotional response instead of being level-headed like I normally am and keeping to myself... and I really think I hurt their feelings by doing so. I was just worried..." Tobias looked upset.

Pickles chuckled lightly. "Yew act like emotions are below yew. Everyone's got a emotional ding. Everyone gets paranoid..." Pickles eyed the other, seeing that he didn't look entirely convinced. "I fucked up tew wit' dem. Dey've fucked up wit' me. Sometimes dings cause hurt dat we don' mean ta. We gatta apologize 'n' do better. Plus, murder is kinda important ta know aboot."

Tobias nodded and sighed. "Mostly I wanted to ask you if it would be okay to tell the others we're related. Abigail already knows, but nobody else."

Pickles shrugged and laughed. "I don' really care, dood. Not afraid ta have people knowin' but I get it if yew don' wanna tell 'em." Pickles, still numb to the idea of Tobias being his brother, really didn't mind telling others. In fact, he was curious how Abigail would react in specific. The suspicion quietly bubbled in his chest, low enough to be hidden. He hoped.

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