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The Sphere of Burdens


The night went on, as the two glared at each other for the entire duration of the ball. Andras had wondered why Vaela despised him as much as he did, especially now that she had grown older. But he soon came to the conclusion that maybe the princess grew up and realised the dangers and the amount of shit they messed up that unfortunate night…

It was around 5 years ago. The Prince of Braumenn and Princess of Aspiria were taking a stroll in the courtyard of Jargon Keep, as Vaela's family were visiting Braumenn. Until they reached the labyrinth, which was made out of plants. With leafy hedges acting as the walls that encases the person inside of its walls for eternity. No one ever knew why it was constructed, or what would happen to the foolish person who would enter the gates of the enormous labyrinth. Yet the two children were eager. “What do you think is inside there?” the Young Princess Vaela asked the Younger Andras.

 “Grandmother used to tell me tomb walkers reside within its walls” Andras stated.     “But your mother says that it's all lies?” Vaela said, confused. 

“Father thinks ,” Andras said, walking closer to the silver gates of

 the labyrinth. “He thinks there is something else in there,” 

“Something more powerful and dangerous,” He stated. “More dangerous than tomb walkers?” said Vaela, surprised. “Yes, but not quite like the type of creatures they are,” The prince said, eyeing the inside of the gates. To none of his surprise, it was all dark with no light inside. “Andras,” Vaela called out to him, from a safe distance. She reached into her pockets, and pulled out a piece of paper that looked like it was pieced together and torn from different books. 

“What is that?” Andras asked. “A map. Of the labyrinth” Vaela confessed. “Where did you find it?” Andras questioned. “I was reading books about your country's history. And I came across these odd sigils and lines.” Vaela stated, unfolding the piece of paper open. “And I quickly realised that it was a map, since I saw them before in a different book” Vaela said, pointing out the bizarre symbols on the paper. “We should go in,” Andras said, already attempting to open the gate by enchanting it with the bit of magic he wielded. Soon enough, the lock broke and the gate creaked open.

An eerie silence was heard in between them. “I'll go in first,” Vaela said, taking a torch from the pateo of the courtyard. Andras patiently waited for her to return, and she did. Already making a beeline to the inside of the labyrinth, the light of the fire on the torch, slowly descending into darkness. Andras followed quickly, and caught up to the princess. A few twists and turns later, and multiple arguments coming from the two dictating which way was the correct one, they made it near the centre, where a bright light emitted from it. Vaela picked up her skirts, and walked cautiously. The hour was late, and the tomb walkers were most likely roaming the streets of Braumenn. They acted as soldiers, though not human. Tomb walkers rarely caused harm, and only did so when necessary. 

Vaela and Andras came nearer to the centre, and at this point the strongly glowing object was in their view, in front of them. It was an orb, placed in some sort of cage on a white pillar-like pedestal. The spherical object changed colour from time to time, but it was clear that it was mostly made of black. “What is this?” Vaela said, mesmerised by the twinkling sounds that came from it. “Oh Gods…” Andras said, realising what it was. 

The Sphere of Burdens.

Despite the sphere being filled with magic and power, when obtained, it will cause a great burden to the holder, whatever it may be. 

Unbeknownst to Vaela, she stepped further, much nearer to the sphere. Andras felt a wave of panic crashing over him immediately. And in the heat of the moment, ran towards Vaela causing both to stumble and fall. They braced themselves to feel the floor on their bodies, but nothing came. Anxious, Vaela opened her eyes slowly. 

They were floating.

Vaela gasped at the magnificent, yet somehow, horrifying act. The two were flying, with their feet above the ground, and the twinkling magic surrounding them. They two continued to float, until they spun and faced each other. At this point, every single part of them were floating. There was a swooshing ring of light in front of them circling the sphere. Slowly, a barrier formed around them, as they looked in absolute amazement at the sight in front of them. This was all fun, until everything around them started to change. They started to float to a dangerous height. They started to spin rapidly faster than before. “Andras, what's happening?” Vaela said, her voice shaky. “I-” Andras paused. “I don't know,” He confessed. Vaela became even more scared, if not terrified of their current situation. The light grew stronger, and so did their panic. It grew, and it grew, and it grew until it covered their full vision. It started making a sort of rumbling noise, until it exploded. The strong current of the powerful wave sent the two flying back, landing on either side of the circular grass wall. Andras groaned in pain, while Vaela had hit her head quite hard on the ground. Hard enough to let her become concussed. 

The two lay there unconscious, until they finally woke up in their own homes. Vaela, in Aspira. And Andras, in his chambers in Jargon's Keep. With something now following them even in their own graves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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