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Fit For A Queen, Perfect As A King

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Asfrea spent the beginning of her rule with great sorrow. In public, she put on a face. One she wore regularly now. But in private. She would sulk and cry.

Her mother, Queen Harmina who had died due to unknown circumstances, passed away a year after her youngest sister was born. Now, her father had passed away, for reasons she didn't quite understand.

The young Queen had only been 16 when she was crowned. Now, after two years the court and her council finally decided to make a decision for the Queen. One of which would change her life for the better.

It was just a few months after her 18th God’s day. The fourteenth day of the Month of Frella, (November 14th). She sat at the head of the Bright Table, fiddling with her jewels mindlessly, as her council buzzed around her. 

“My Queen,” Lord Narrel, said for the fourth time. “Yes?” Asfrea snapped out of her trance and fixed her position immediate;y. “The Lord’s, and I had made a decision,” He started. “And we think it is for the best, this decision,” Asfrea only nodded, thinking it were just another proposal from the townsfolk, or perhaps a neighbouring Dukedom.

“We think that you should wed,” He finished. Asfrea looked around with a horrid look on her face. 

“My Lord, my eighteenth God’s day was just a few months ago,” She protested. “I believed it to be too early for me to be betrothed.” She argued.

“Your Graciousness, we do believe that your rule has been peaceful,” Lady Harrow, her aunt, said. “But we worry about you,” She said. “Why worry about me?” She said, “We must worry about our people, or the Realms” She stated.

“That is true, My Queen but it is necessary by law that you wed,” Lady Harrow spoke once more. Asfrea seldom argued with her Aunt, or the council. She owed it all to them that the Kingdoms were not yet at war, and she wasn’t in the mood for yelling and fighting.

“Who do you have in mind?” Frea said, defeated. “It’s more who you have in mind, Your Graciousness” Lord Everlye of Freskiria spoke. 

For a split second, Jaegor’s face flashed in her mind, but she brushed it off. She looked at Lord Fairdorm, and he knew exactly what his goddaughter wished. He flashed her a smile, but the only thing that flashed in her eyes was her life. “Fuck me,” She whispered, as she sunk in her chair.

“I believe my son would love to know you, my Queen,” He smiled. “My Lord, I-” She said. “Oh, I do believe that a perfect match, your Grace,” Lord Yaermin, Avarra’s Father said. “God’s be good,” She groaned.

“Well, my Queen?” Lord Fairdorm asked. She thought in her mind.

She knew damn well if she were to refuse, it would mean embarrassment to Lord Fairdorm. But it also meant that there would be a chance that she would be wed off to a Braumennian to resolve the conflict of their Kingdoms. Preferably a Varlaenos, and she gagged at the idea.

If she accepted, Jaegor, the man she had admired since she was a small child would be her husband, and Jaegor was not that bad. He was a very good looking man, strong with the sword as well. He knew how to keep her in line with her sanity.

She had him to thank, because if it weren’t for him she would not be alive right now. Jaegor Fairdorm was an amazing ruler as well. She saw how he ruled over Blackpool when his father was terribly ill. But most of all, she liked him. Perhaps even loved him, but what does a young Queen know about love? 

“I accept,” She decided, with a warm smile on her face. “It’s settled then, If Jaegor of House Fairdorm accepts this betrothal, then he shall be wed to our Queen!” Lord Everlye cheered, along with Asfrea’s council. Her aunt, Ariya Harrow, sister of her mother smiled at her, as she took a sip of wine from her cup.

For one quick moment, Asfrea even saw her mother, in the blue ocean eyes of her, the dead Queen haunted her every step. Her laughs and her jokes, her advice and her sweet lullabies, all brought back to Asfrea by just a pair of sapphire eyes.

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