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"The Unwed Queen"

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The Unwed Queen, the people named her. She had many of those names. But now, one that was chained to her as if she was a prisoner of her own Realms law, was about to be broken. For they will hear whether Jaegor of House Fairdorm will accept the betrothal offer.

Asfrea, for after two years straight of wearing black and dark colours mourning her father, now wore blue, gold, and white in front of the court as she sat on the Eternal Throne. The Throne her father once sat on.

“Today, we are gathered here to declare Lord Jaegor Fairdorm’s decision,” The Norvice said. Norvices were workers at court, usually their jobs consisted of this. “If he will wed our Queen Asfrea, or if he will not,” Norvice Jerron said, as the court clapped.

Asfrea shifted uncomfortably in her seat, anxious of her best friend's decision, who was just standing beside her and the throne. “I must say, I was quite surprised by the news that my Father sent to me,” He leaned down a little so that the Queen could hear his words.

Asfrea, did not look at him yet. Instead she looked at her court as she listened to Jaegor’s sweet voice.  “You were the last person I assumed would suggest my hand in marriage,” He chuckled lightly. Asfrea smiled, “You are the only man I would ever wed, Jaegor. Even if I had a choice I’d pick you,” She said bashfully. Jaegor fixed his position as he blushed, and he could not contain his blossoming smile.

The Lord Jaegor, of House Fairdorm, Rulers of Blackpool, made his decision as of two stars ago,” the Norvice spoke once again, as his old voice echoed throughout the Throne Room. “The Young Lord has decided,” The Norvice paused, as Asfrea’s heart pounded a fast rhythm.

She gripped the throne anxiously. Her sapphire earrings were swinging all over the place as her leg bounced up and down, and the dangling gemstones from her crown were waving in the air. “To accept, the betrothal offer of Queen Asfrea of  House Vermaydore, Ruler of the Realms, Empress of the Souls, the Spirits and the Shadows, Lady of his House, the Kingdoms, and the People” Asfrea let out a huge sigh as she sank into the throne in relief.

“What? You truly thought that I was going to refuse your hand, my Queen?” Jaegor said, as Asfrea quickly leapt from the throne to hug Jaegor tightly as he hugged her back. The Blazing Realm celebrated their Queen’s betrothal, meanwhile on the flip side of the coin, Avarrah Yaermin, was betrothed as well.

Only, she had regretted her decision with great sorrow and deep loathing. Varros Varlaenos. “I get to marry that wretched man, and she gets to decide on who she marries?!” Avarrah said, venom lacing her tone as she threw a nearby vase to the floor. She panted as she paced through the room. “Avarrah you approved of this marriage,” Lord Yaermin told his daughter.

“I am truly sorry but there is nothing we can do about it,” He said. “Why?! Tell me why?!” Avarrah yelled. “You are to be wed on the morrow, my dear-” Avarrah interrupted her father before he could finish his sentence.

“Don't call me that” She seethed. “Avarrah you are to be Queen and a wife, that is what you told me you wanted.” Her father replied sternly. “You told me that you wanted to marry Prince Varros, the Eldest son of the King so that you may Rule Braumenn, just like Asfrea-” And again, before the Lord could mutter the sound of the last letter of the last word, she cut her father’s cheek.

Blood dropped onto the floor of her chambers, and she stood there silent and unmoving like a statue in their gardens. She dropped the piece of the vase onto the floor speechless. A few seconds passed, and the handmaidens took their Lord to his chambers so that they may aid his bleeding face.

Avarrah spent the rest of her night in her room, with regret and sorrow as she cried onto her pillow. The girl, who was now 20 wept until she fell asleep, and that was how she spent the last day of her freedom. Crying, weeping, and sulking, as she thought, “what have I done?”

The morning, unfortunately, arrived sooner than expected. Avarrah dreaded the day she would marry the Dark Prince of the South.

The ceremony was fast, and the two had only spoken to one another to say their vows, but eventually they started talking. Avarrah found herself with guilt for what she had thought of the prince, for he was a decent person.

He made her smile and laugh, but she forgot one minor detail. She is a Varlaenos now, and bearing that last name came with an unbreakable curse.

Asfrea knew nothing of what was happening with her best friend, for she hadn’t seen Avarrah in three moons. But it did not concern her, since the two had gone longer than this without communicating, but eventually stars turned into constellations, and constellations turned into moons.

Until the day of Asfrea’s wedding day came, and it was only then that she discovered that Avarrah was to be Queen consort of Braumenn. Not only that, but she had married the realms sworn enemy. At this time the two women didn’t know the war that would spark between the two realms.

A war that would last until thousands of years later, when their descendants would put an end to it all. 

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