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"Gracious Welcome Gift"

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Vaela Vermaydore walked into the room, as heads turned towards her. The princess in an elegant blue dress, gilded in gold. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun, as the massive gold collar of her rested on her neck.

The intricate designs on the collar were something Vaela appreciated. She thought that it was truly magnificent how you can see that it was something someone had put their whole heart into.

Her hair was covered in accessories, and not only that but her crown. The same one that she wore earlier, which was extremely heavy, sat on her head.

She thanked the Gods that she trained every night, and practised with a sword heavier than her crown. But the collar was another story, and yet she walked gracefully in the middle of the crowd towards her mother. But that was when she felt eyes practically burning into her skin like dragon fire.

She reached the stage-like structure where her family was seated, and they announced her name, and continued with the opening remarks. Though it was quite fun, Vaela couldn't help but look around in the crowd for the pair of eyes practically setting her on fire. Until, she found the fiery set of eyes. 

Andras Varlaenos.

He had most definitely grown, the last time Vaela saw her. And the last time she saw him was when they were ages 15 and 14. The whole reason they hadn't seen each other was because of that specific visit.

Vaela brushed off the memories of that night and focused on her Gods Day celebration, or more specifically Andras. The young princess hated to admit that he had grown quite handsome.

His face looked like it was sculpted by the Gods themselves. He wore a traditional Braumennian outfit in burgundy. The same shade of wine he was drinking at that moment. Aelynn Feynarrys walked nearer to her younger cousin, and smiled at her fondly.

“I see you've found your eyes on someone again,” Aelynn teases, referring to Andras. Vaela only managed to let out a pathetic scoff. “I do not fancy the prince,” Vaela defended.

“Keep telling yourself that, cousin. Mayhaps one day both of you will put these childish quarrels aside. You are a woman grown now, and he, a man grown” Aelynn scolded, as she took a sip from her cup and strutted back to her seat on the stage.

Vaela continued to look at the young prince. Whose position was as straight as a blade, and his demeanour extremely unreadable. Much to the likes of Vaela, annoyed her to her core. 

From the corner of her eye, she could see her father and Andras' mother having a serious conversion, to which she thought was something serious, and something she would rather not eavesdrop on.

The two young royals kept on making eye contact the whole night until it was time to dance. Vaela adores dancing. She thought of it as some sort of unique language. It was a language everyone understood, but some only spoke.

While the Prince remains neutral of the art. He thinks it is necessary to learn the traditional dances of his culture, but he does not think it is necessary to waste your breath on dances like these. 

Most of the guests of Vaelas ball had already taken their places in the middle of the dance floor, but even though she received hundreds of offers to dance, she insisted on saving her energy for the second one.

She told herself it was truly to conserve her energy and breath, and that she should use this opportunity to mingle and socialise with the Lords and Ladies of Erradan, but deep inside the girl felt the need to ease her curiosity about the prince.

The Crown of Blood and War | Braumenn & Aspiraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें