16. The End

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"What do you wanna watch?" I ask turning to look back at bart who was already looking at me

"Anything" he smirked and looked me up and down "although what I'm watching now is amazing"

"Woah is Bart Simpson flirting with me?" I put my hand to my forehead fake fainting

"Oh whatever" he turns to look at the tv I lean over and kiss his cheek

"Im just kidding" he looks at me

"Diana~" I somehow get out a hm "will you be my girlfriend"


"Will you be my girlfriend like officially" I smile and nod

"Yes bart I will officially be your girlfriend" he smiled at me, a true smile from the El Barto he cupped my cheek with his hand and slowly brought my face to his while looking into my eyes

I knew what he wanted

And I was going to give it to him I nodded my head

With the consent he kissed me It wasn't like before it wasn't rushed or sloppy it was loving and peaceful.

After what felt like forever I pull away from bart

My bart.

Thank you guys for reading I have no more ideas for this book so I'm sorry but this is the end, I hope you enjoyed and if not please comment I wanna know what I can fix.

And as always stay slutty my friends,

Bart SIMPsonWhere stories live. Discover now