4. "Your back"

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After school Bart came up to me "Wanna skate with me?" I smile but shake my head

"Not today barto I gotta make a stop" he nods his head and skates away

I skate downtown to Moes tavern I open the old door and call out for him

Moe stumbled out from the back "Diana?" as soon as he saw me I ran up and hugged him "oh Di your back" Now you may be wondering why im hugging Moe and hes calling Di well its a long story and basically hes my dad, and I know who tf would bang Moe?

well after a few beers everyone looks good.... our family keeps it a secret since my family are really christian and dont believe in having kids before marriage. In all honesty I think my moms a wee bit embarrassed about it

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry this is all i can post rn i gotta clean but expect a part two coming up later

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Stay slutty my friends,


Bart SIMPsonWhere stories live. Discover now