9. "20 mins to walk next door?"

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I woke up to a phone ringing I look down at Bart who slept on the floor

"hello?" his morning voice I cannot "I'm at a friends house" he looks up at me "yes I know I'm sorry mom they just had an emergency and needed me, I'll come home lat-" he was cut off "I'll leave in like 5 minutes and I'll be home in like 20" finally he hung up "well wanna watch something?" I looked at him confused

"don't you have to go?" he smiled and shook his head

"no 20 minutes to walk next door?" I feel stupid for not realizing that

"oh my god I'm dum" he chuckled and shook his head again

"yeah you are" he got off the floor and stretched his arms and back then he plopped down on the bed next me and smiled "But your cuteness makes up for it" I turned as red as I feel and I just know he smirked "so what are we gonna watch?" I laughed

"nothing I need to get ready" I said while I got up to go to my closet

"for what another date?" I smirked as I turned around to face him

"nope babysitting some kids, I think their last name is Simpson" he face dropped

"What! but I'm 16 I can watch them" I got out my backpack

"oh Barty we both know that's not true" I said as I ruffled his hair and he groaned (but not in the good way) ;)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Congrats you read 302 words I'm sorry this was a short chapter but thank you so much for 1k reads it means a lot

I'm gonna try to post more but I've recently been going through gender dysphoria and severe depression so I'm sorry but I'll try

And as always stay slutty my friends,

C or A idk

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