11. "Do I make you nervous D''

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This chapter has 425 words


After I get to the Simpson house and Marge and Homer leave Lisa goes up to her room Bart is no where to be found and Maggie is on the floor in the living room watching tv while I'm sitting on the couch watching her

After a little while Bart walks in and plops down on the seat next to me

"when are they coming back" he asked while sipping something and looking at the tv

"tomorrow" I noticed he was drinking a beer "hey! give me that" I took it out of his hands and go to the kitchen to get rid of it

"oh c'mon D
its just a beer live a little" I laughed and stopped putting it away and looked at him as though he was pursuing me

"hmmm no" I say as I turn around and look at him with a smirk as I turn around I see his awful smile that I just know he's about to do something awful

he takes a step towards me "ya know D" he took a step closer "you seem flustered around me" he takes another step towards me to where I can feel his breathe on my face I take a step back hitting the fridge "Do I make you nervous D?" I felt flustered for a good second till I realized who was doing this to me words couldn't come to me he actually had me flustered

Bart Fucking Simpson had me flustered

he laughed and brought his hand up to my face pulling my chin up to his face he smirked as he looked at me and leaned forward to connect our lips till he stopped and looked at me

"you really want me huh?" he laughs and turns around to go to the living room I grabbed his sleeve and connected our lips I knew I shouldn't have I mean its Bart Simpson but I mean (cue fuck boi face)

as our lips connected he grabbed my waist and smiled into the kiss eventually I pulled away and happily walked over to the couch leaving Bart in the kitchen after a good minute he came out and sat down next to me and put his hand on thigh and smiled at me when I looked at him

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ahh their first kiss!!! I love this chapter but I cant tell if I like the kiss scene I cant tell if its good but thank you for reading

Congrats you read 425 words

and as always Stay Slutty my Friends,

                                                                               C (defo C)

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