Ep:15 The Squad test.

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This episode is dedicated to @draco_malfoy_5 thank you so much for the amazing idea on this episode!Love ya! ❤️❤️❤️
"Hey what did you guys get for number two..?"Y/n asks.

"I got four."Nicky says.

"I drew a head."Dicky says.

"Well my life is officially over! My whole class saw "it"Ricky says.

"But you've always been so carful with it!"Nicky says.

"And always made sure to hide it!"Y/n says.

"And yet there it was."Ricky says.
"You carry around a stuffed animal?"A random boy from Ricky's class says,

"Lieutenant Blue beary is not just a stuffed animal! Pshhh I mean..No.." Ricky says.
"So that's it I'm giving up blue beary."Ricky says.

"Yeah right he's helped you get straight A's on every test since pre-K you can't give him up."Dicky says,

"I can give him up easier than you can give up taking a bath with your little rubber duck."Ricky says.

"I don't need to take a bath with ducky! I choose too. I enjoy our talks."Dicky says.

"You talk to him like this quack-quack -quack!"Nicky says.

"Yeah he's a duck and what about you mitten man you still sleep with your baby mittens on your fingers?"Dicky asks and Y/n laughs.

"And then you rub your cheeks and earlobes?"Y/n says still laughing.

"I don't rub the lobes anymore! Just the cheeks."Nicky says.

"Lobes and cheeks what did I walk in on."Josie says.

"These guys still have their security items,"Dawn says and Y/n nods.

"From when they were babies,"Y/n adds,

"Oh you mean security things like this?"Ricky says grabbing Dawns blanket and Y/n's stuffed dog.

"That is a sweat towel for soccer!"Dawn says,

"That's a..donation..?"Y/n says.

"Then why does it say dawns Blanket?"Ricky asks.

"Guys your childhood security items are nothing to be embarrassed about."Josie says,

"Yeah well expect lobes over there."Y/n says referring to Nicky.

"When I was a kid I had a princesse Susie doll until one day she was sun bathing..and my dad ran her over to our our lawn mower she was always there for me...but I wasn't there for her!"Josie says running away in tears.

"Issues.."Nicky says,

"Wow glad I'm not that attached to blankety,"Dawn says.

"What do you mean..? You could t go a day without blankety,"Dicky says.

"And you four couldn't go an hour without your little security things..."Dawn says.

"Mines not that weird okay!"Y/n defends hugging the stuffed dog,

"It's a dog that Nicky have you when you moved in with us.."Ricky says,

"Care to make it interesting?"Y/n says.

"Whoever can go the longest without their hear,dog,duck,blanket or mittens gets to have the others do their chores for a month who's in?"Ricky says.

"Easy."Dicky says,

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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