Ep1:Pilot continued(2)

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Tom,Anne and the five kids walked into get sporty. Y/n shoved Nicky out of her way as she walked into the store.

"This is the third time this month we've been called away from the store to pick you kids up"Tom lectured.

"Sounds like quality family time to me. Am I right?! Up top!" Dawn raised her hand, but no one high-fived her."coming down".

"You know, every time I get a call from the school, I keep hoping that it's the message that says,Ms. Harper your quadruplets and friend are amazing. They are working together and two of them are definitely not having a food fight in the cafeteria."she said,  referring to Nicky and Y/n.

"But it never is! It never is!" Anne yells.

"It's their fault!" Dawn said pointing at her brothers,"everything always has to be their way".

"Well I'm sorry I care about my grades"Ricky spat

"And I'm sorry I don't"Dicky said.

"I'm sorry I bit you all in the womb"

Y/n tried to jump at him,but dawn quickly grabbed her and held her back before she could get any closer to Nicky.

They all started to argue.


Sorry it's short,next part is going to be very long!

💔Enemies💔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora