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6 months later

"A toast!" Niall yells into the microphone.

"Jesus," I sigh. "Who gave the drunk Irishman a mic?"

"No clue," Harry says next to me. "What will he say?"

Niall wasn't supposed to give the toast, Zayn was but Zayn sits next to me with a smirk on his face as I stare at him. "He said he'd behave," Zayn says completely dismissing the concerned look on my face.

"He's drunk," I say.

Our wedding had been beautiful and the reception was going quite well so I hoped Niall would in fact behave.

"I've never been so happy," he begins innocently while holding his glass up. "Louis and Harry have been meant to be since day one. They've been through hell and back and here they are, married, happy as fuck," he pauses and I face palm. There he is. Drunk Niall. "We went through a lot of it with them. We seen it all and unfortunately we heard it all." I shake my head. "But I want you two to know I'm happy for you. This is what you deserve. I hope you have many many years of happiness from here on out. I love you both so much! You're my brothers and I wouldn't change a thing! To the happy couple!" He holds his glass up and wiped his eyes on his dress shirt sleeve.

"To the happy couple!" Everyone says.

Harry and I exchange a quick kiss and get up to hug Niall who is sobbing like a baby. "We love you Niall," Harry says to him.

"Good speech lad," I tell him. "Love you more Nialler!"

Gemma appears in front of me wearing a frown and I'm unsure why. Harry isn't paying attention to his sister since he's still comforting Niall. "Gems?" I ask her suddenly feeling nervous.

I had spoken to both her and Anne before I proposed to Harry and we had worked everything out, I thought.

Her frown breaks and a smile spreads across her face and she reaches up and twists my ear. "Now you're my brother for real," she says with a smirk. "So that means I get to pick at you whenever I want."

I chuckle at her. "And I get to do the same," I reach out and grab her side tickling her then I pull her into my chest. "Thank you Gemma," I tell her softly. "You are partially responsible for this."

"I'm not though," she says and pulls back. "You and my stupid brother have been working toward this for the past ten years," she pauses. "I love you Louis and Harry loves you and I'm happy to have you as a new brother, I guess."

"What's happening here?" Harry finally notices Gemma and me.

"Just threatening my new brother in law," Gemma says. "If he don't treat you right, I'll kick his ass."

"And I'll kick yours for the very same reason," Lottie appears out of nowhere and pushes her finger into Harry's chest.

"Ok, ok," Harry says holding his hands up in surrender. "Our sisters are quite violent."

Gemma and Lottie laugh and I put my arm around Harry's waist and pull him closer. He faces me and pulls me toward the dance floor leaving our sisters behind. "H, I don't like dancing," I remind him.

"We have to have at least one dance together as a married couple," he tells me with his best pouty face.

I roll my eyes at him. "Fine," I say. "Just one though."

He smiles and the as soon as we're on the dance floor the song slows and he's wrapping his arms around me. "I love you," he says in my ear.

"I love you," I say back looking into his eyes. "Always you babe."

"Always you," he's says. "Louis Tomlinson-Styles."

My name has a nice ring to it. Louis Tomlinson-Styles. We had decided to hyphenate our names. But we won't change our stage names. I'm still simply Louis Tomlinson and he's Harry Styles. But on paper and legally we are Louis and Harry Tomlinson-Styles.

This is just how it was meant to be. He's my Harry and I'm his Louis. I believe it was always meant to be this way. We started out as dumb kids and now we're married. Probably still kind of dumb at times, according to Zayn anyhow.

Niall, Liam, and Zayn join us on the dance floor as Best Song Ever begins to play and we jump around singing along with ourselves. This too is how it was meant to be. Harry and I with our best friends. We had met by chance and formed a bond no one can break. Our friendship will stand the test of time. I can see us getting older together, with kids of our own, the boys with wives of their own and all the love in the world between the five of us.

We can't get away from them now. We start touring in a few months as a five part group again. One Direction is coming back bigger and better than ever! No more closets, no more controlling management, and no more distance between Zayn and me. I have my brother back. What more could a guy ask for?

I'm watching Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Niall dance and laugh and I smile. We made it, I think. Harry and I made it.

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