The final battle?

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Waverly's POV

After the little conversation with Snow I couldn't help but lean over and start kissing Nicole's neck. She started to grone, she rolled over and she smiled. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Good morning, baby" she said as she raised her hand and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

"Really good, but I had the weirdest dream"

"Oh what was it about?" I asked.

"It was so weird. I was running through the woods but It was different. I was running with Snow. I think I was a wolf too" Nicole said and I tried my best to hide the shock on my face.

"Is it weird that she had the same dream as us?" I asked Snow.

"Waverly we don't even know what the dream meant and now we know we had the same one. Yes, yes it is weird that we had the same dream. Ask more about it" we both felt confused but at the same time we were kind of excited on what the dream could mean.

"Baby?" Nicole asked, pulling me out of my conversation with Snow.

"Sorry baby. I was talking to Snow. what else happened?"

"That's pretty much it. Other than running through the woods, we came to a clearing and I turned to look at Snow and then I think I shifted into human" I didn't know what to say. We both had the same dream and it was about Nicole being a werewolf. I needed to ask my father if it meant anything or if it was even possible. Him out of everyone I knew would be the most likely to know anything other than Gus.

"That is crazy but it sounds like a really cool dream. Anyway we should really get up, we do have a battle to prepare for" I said and the well going feeling left the room.

"Your right, like always"

"Well I wouldn't say always but like 99% of the time" saying that got Nicole to laugh lightly.

"Well you do have that beautiful brain of yours" we both laughed but I couldn't help but kiss her. An unknown amount of time passes but a quick succession of knocks at the door pulls us from each other.

"Come on love birds" Wynonna's voice yells from the other side of the door.

"Wynonna interruptus at it again," I laugh.

"Come on love birds we don't have much time, that guys from yesterday wanted to meet at the same time. We have to go and kick his ass then we can come back here and you two can continue what you were doing last night" Wynonna says as I hear footsteps walk away from the door. Both me and Nicole pale at the tail end of Wynonna's sentence.

"I thought you said they wouldn't be able to hear us" Nicole playfully slapped my chest.

"They must have turned off the music sometime last night"

"And you didn't hear it?"

"I'm sorry I was a little preoccupied with you and your body"

"I guess that can be forgotten. I do have a very distracting body" we laughed.

"I will never calm you to be humble"

"And I will never not call you beautiful" she said with her dimpled smile.

The two of us laughed before getting out of bed and wordlessly heading to the bathroom. We worked around each other in the shower. Helping the other with washing our body's. That turned into groping before we both knew we had to get down stairs. We worked around each other to get dressed and brush our teeth. And we held hands as we walked down stairs.

a human and a werewolfWhere stories live. Discover now