Day of the full moon

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Waverly's POV

It's been a few days since I became a Consultant for BBD and what can I say it's been fun. I have to work between BBD and shorty's but I love it. The only downside was that the full moon was fast Approaching and Wynonna wanted me to spend it running with her. She knows I lock my wolf up every full moon because of what happened with our father. I just don't trust my wolf. For some reason my wolf seemed more riled up this mouth. I just knew my wolf was going to cause trouble. I just didnt know why. My wolf was usually laid back and didn't make a fuss about being locked up. So why get so Riled up now?

"Hey baby-girl it's past noon mama needs a drink"

"Hey Wynonna! How's the hunt for the 77 going?" I asked as I was cleaning off the Counter.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that I'm going after the 7 first. You know the 7 that attacked us that night"

"W-why would you be going after them?"

"Cause the 7 are the ones who killed our sister and our daddy"

"I killed daddy," I said as I shifted my hands from the rag I was using to clean the bar to grab a hold on it because I don't like talking about it.

"No you didn't, you were trying to help and daddy got in the way. You know this baby-girl"

"Anyway let's not talk about him, let's talk about the full moon that's tomorrow yeah. I mean you should run with me and the others. What do you say?" a gleam of hope in her eyes as she bounces on her feet.

"Wynoona you know I don't like running wild on full moon nights. There is a perfectly good cellar at Gus's place. I don't trust my wolf not like you and the others do" I started to hear a cracking sound. I looked down, moved my hands and there where my hands used to be now tiny creaks.

"Well I mean there are plenty of us and only one of you if it means that much to you the rest of the pack can cover you. Please!" her hands were in front of her and I think she would go down on her knees if I dont say yes.

"Wynonna, what is the big deal? You know I've locked up my wolf every full moon. What makes you think this one is any different?" I said trying to figure out why this moon was different from all the rest I spent in my cellar.

"True is we have never run together and I would like for us to but I can tell by the cracks in the bar that you don't feel right running free so how about this. I stay down in the cellar with you till you feel comfortable with me then. We can run free during that full moon. What do you say?"

"Oh you are not spending the full moon with me. We both know you love the open air, the wind in your fur, you've told me this a thousand times over" walking from behind the bar because I needed to be closer to my sister to tell her that I would not stop her from doing something she loves doing.

"Well I don't care what you say I am spending this full moon and every other full moon with you till you grow confidence in yourself and in your wolf" Wynonna says as gets up and walks to the door. I guess that means the conversation is over.

Hours later, after a long shift at Shorty's, in my apartment above the bar. Laying on my bed and my wolf would not shut up. Barking, howling, growling if my wolf's goal was to keep me up all night it sure as hell is succeeding!

Sun in the face is a wonderful way to wake up! That's just great! I look over at the red blurry numbers on the clock that read 6:00 am. Two hours of sleep, that is how long my wolf shut up for but my peace and quint didn't last very long cause my wolf is back at it again! I could feel that tonight's full moon would be different from the rest.

Hours ticked by and my head was pounding from how loud my wolf was being. Wynoona stopped by a couple times during my shift with a look of worry, excitement and a hint of something I couldn't place.

A smell wafted through the open door and it had my wolf going crazy. I was beginning to get scared that my wolf wanted to eat whoever smelled like vanilla dip donuts.

Wynonna came in a little over an hour ago, she's been here ever since. She keeps giving me little glances but most of the time she just keeps staring at this odd looking cowboy dress up in old looking clothes.

"Alright, that is the end of your shift and that means we are heading to Gus's place for a sleepover. Right, Waverly?" my keys jingle in her hands and she spun them on her finger.

"Okay, okay I get it we are hanging out tonight. Give me my keys" I exclaimed as I reached for my keys but wynonna moved them out of the way.

"We are heading out, no way am I giving you the keys we would dye before we even got to Gus's place and I for one would like to make it in one Piece if you don't mind"

"Hey! I do not drive that bad and FYI Gus taught me how to drive" reaching for the keys in a failed attempt to drive my own jeep.

"Well now I know you have a death wish. I am driving that way. You can't leave me here and lock yourself up tonight. We are both staying in that cellar" she said as she jumped up into the driver's seat and turned to look at me.

"Look baby-girl I get why you lock your wolf away so I wont try to tell you off. I will try to tell you though that it is really undeserved. You know you could try to communicate with your wolf, name it even like I did. But you know you yourself has to come to trust the wolf I can't tell you want to do"

"Wynonna, I hear what you're saying I do but why should I try to trust something that got our daddy killed? Why should I name a murder?" turning towards the car window to watch as the hills fly by in a blur of color.

"Well I'm just saying that if you got know your wolf than I dont think you would look at lik a murder. Anyway um let's change the subject it looks like we only have a few more hours till moon rise we should get you home"

Pulling up in front of Gus, both me and wynonna head inside and await the rise of the full moon. We talk about anything and everything it reminds of before I shifted and we were just kids, sisters growing up together. Wynonna shifted when she was six too but she didn't kill anybody. Wynonna was in the middle of saying something when we both felt it. The rise of the full moon, the pull we get to shift into our wolves.

"Let's get this party start"

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