Beauty and Makeup

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Beauty and Makeup
I hope this chapter doesn't offend anyone. Ok, now I know alot of you girls out there wear makeup. I do to but I only wear foundation and mascara and sometimes eyeshadow to church. I don't go all crazy.
In God's eyes we are perfectly made and he created us each to have different talents and to look different. He also created us beautiful and putting on makeup covers up our beauty.
I think it's ok to wear makeup but if you feel like you need to wear it to look amazing or beautiful your wrong. Each and every one of us are beautiful and God knows that. Do you know that your beautiful?
Cause you are beautiful. I would rather go up to Heaven and walk the streets of gold with him one day. Then get a compliment about how good I look. I don't really care how I look some days. I don't have anyone to impress by God.
The Holy Spirit knows what your feeling. He would be disappointed if he knew that you wanted to cover up your perfect beautiful face. I just want you girls out there to know that if people judge it doesn't matter. Your beautiful no matter what. The Lord knows that and I think that each and everyone of you are beautiful people who will change the world.

Hope you guys liked it. I just wanted to talk about this because I wanted to let you guys know your beautiful inside and out. You will change the world.

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