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Welcome to the newest reason why I'm still single! Aka, a yandere villain book!! So, I will only be doing a few characters, but there are a few rules also!


- Bob Velseb
- Dexter the Exterminator
- (Human) Happy Fella doll
- Frank

(Yes I think Frank is technically a villain-)

- No pedophilia
- No rape, sexual assault
- Nothing sexual
- No weird fetishes
- No rubber chickens, too many incidents with those.
- Be nice to the Yanderes, and they will be nice back <3

What I do:
- Oneshots
- Headcanons
- Yandere Alphabets

Have fun and remember to not die!!

Yandere Spooky Month Villians Oneshots/HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now