I need help

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Okay so I'm dating this guy and I really like him. But I love my ex. My ex is a jerk to other people but is actually a good person. Idk if I should break up with the guy I'm with now before I end up hurting him even more or if I should just not be happy with the person I'm with but stay with him. And btw my ex and the guy I'm dating now are best friends so that doesn't make it any better. But seriously I have no idea what to do because I am seriously in love with my ex. He's the only one besides my friend Kadin who can make me smile or laugh when I don't want to. He makes me feel so good. I seriously don't know what to do and I need help. This is what I cry every night for. Because I don't want anyone to get hurt but yet I'm hurting. I also cry about my parents but that's besides the point. So please, if you have any thoughts on what I should do, please feel free to tell me them. I would greatly appreciate it. Well that's it... for now...

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