A New Addition

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So... I HAD A BABY! My baby Gatlin is the most perfect boy I could ever ask for. And my boyfriend (his father) is so amazing! He's the best father and partner I could ask for ❤️ here's my birth story:

With all the new pregnancy announcements, I feel it's time to share my birth experience.

This birth was traumatic but also completely amazing. I had always planned to go unmedicated. I wanted an at home birth. Josh expressed his concerns about the safety aspect. I did a ton of research and landed on Mercy Birthing Center. You get the at home unmedicated experience with midwives while still being in the safety of the hospital. Every appointment I had with each midwife was even more reassuring that I was in the right place. They make you feel so welcome and comfortable.

When I went it for my appointment at 39 weeks 6 days, I had high blood pressure. We decided that it was best to send me to labor and delivery and get induced. They got me up there, I took a small pill at about 9am and we waited. At about 12:30pm-1pm I was having contractions 30 seconds to a minute apart. This lasted until pushing started. I was exhausted but couldn't get any rest. But my Midwife kept me going. She encouraged me and rode the contractions with me.

They offered me nitrous gas, basically laughing gas. After hours without a break I accepted and finally felt some relief and could rest my body for pushing. Eventually the gas stopped working and by that time the contractions were STRONG. Again, my midwife was there walking me through every step.

Finally it was time to push him out. Everyone in the room was so encouraging and made me feel so amazing. I honestly wasn't feeling too much pain anymore. I think I was just so focused on getting him out. At this point Gatlin wasn't completely tolerating pushing and contractions, so I had to keep moving to different positions. Finally his head was out but his shoulder was stuck. I was flipped onto my back and pulled to the end of the bed. Doctors and nurses surrounded me. They pull him out and take him.

I lost a lot of blood. And had a 4th degree tear because they had to rip him out (thanks kid🙄). They took me to the OR to do my repair. My midwife was there the entire time holding my hand. I never once felt alone through this entire process. She kept telling me how amazing I did.

I had to come back a week later for them to check how my stitches were healing. My midwife came and checked on me. Asked me how I was doing. Told me how proud she was and how amazing I did. She gave me a hug before she left. My birth wasn't just traumatic for me, it was traumatic for everyone involved. I couldn't imagine seeing it from anyone else's point of view.

I will never stop recommending the birthing center. It was absolutely the most amazing experience I've ever had. I don't think I could have done it without the amazing people on my team.

If you made it this far, thanks for listening!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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