Chapter 1

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Oaklee Monroe POV

The door shut behind me and still I didn't feel good because I couldn't speak freely. I sighed and cast my eyes downwards. I walked up to the counter and when a women whom looked around 20 came up, I finally looked up.

"Hi, may I take your order?" She asked politely with a big smile. I looked at her name tag and it said POPPY, in big bold letters. I gave my best smile and her's didn't even falter. 

"Can I get a fruit tea?" I ask, my hands shaking under the counter. She nods and puts my order in the computer. 

"Can I get a name for that order?" She asks as I hand her the money for the tea.

"Oak." She nods again and I move and stand at the back. My phone dings in my pocket and with shaky hands I take it out. 

Like I thought it's a text from my aunt, asking me why I'm spending money when she didn't let me. Now my aunt and uncle hate me so they put a stupid tracking and speaker device thing in my phone so they know where I am at all times and can hear everything. They did that to make sure I never tell anyone about anything that happens at home.

Now I know what you're thinking why not just get ride of the phone or write it down and I have thought about it but what would happen after? I would just live in a miserable orphanage for the rest of my life or get fostered by worst people. 

I shut my phone off and put it on silent as she starts angry texting me. This will not go over well with her. 

"OAK." My name is called by this man who is holding my tea. I walk up and grab it. I wrap my hands around the cup for the warmth as I walk outside. It's October and college has started. 

Now you would think that me being a genius I might find a way out of my situation but I was not blessed with those smarts. I blessed with the smarts of reading people and knowing what their thinking, that's why I'm taking psychology and obviously other school stuff thats why I'm in college. 

Then again am I really a genius or am I just good at school?

I walk along the path towards the campus since we don't actually have a cafe or any type of shop on campus except of course the merch shop where you can buy products with the school logo. 

The breeze flows through my hair as I walk. I have medium length brown hair and brown eyes. I keep my head down but make sure not to walk into anyone or anything as I make my way towards my first class. 

I didn't want to go to this college but my aunt forced me. Since I'm only 16 I can't leave home yet and apparently also can't choose my own college. 

I walk into the english hall. I breath in deeply. I love english more than any thing except psychology. I love reading and getting lost in my own world. I have tried writing a few books but I never really finished them.

I find the classroom and it's half full, there's around 5 minutes until class starts. I look down at my phone for the time but it seems I'll have to go to the bathroom later. Great. I walk in and move towards the front since no one is sitting there anyway. 

I sit down closest to the door, for emergencies. 

My life is an emergency. 

I grab a pen and notebook and place it on my desk before slumping down in my seat and going on my phone so no one sits next to me. I look over my schedule once again to make sure I know where I'm going after english. 

English: 10am-11am

Lunch: 11am-1pm

Psychology: 1pm-2pm

This is my Wednesday schedule. They decided to start on Wednesday since the classes are shorter and you will usually have all your classes on Wednesday. I have only 4 different classes. 

English, Psychology, Extra Psychology, Neurology. 

It's a little bit of all the same thing but this is what I'm passionate about  so those are the classes I'm taking. Of course there are classes you have to take but I took most of them in high school and if I missed them I'll take them next year or the year after. 

The teacher walks in and I put my phone down and let her start the class. 

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