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3rd Person POV

Wednesday, October 18, 2025

As Shaylin walked into to the classroom it was pretty much empty except for a few kids hanging out in the corner.

He walks over to his desk he pulls out his notebook to draw while waiting. Before he knew it the first bell rung "Class settle down please." Mr. Park yelled out as he walked in the classroom making everyone silent.

"Good now, get that worksheet out from yesterday and turn to the back" Mr. Park continued writing on the board while talking. "Ugh this is so boring" Shaylin mumbles while looking through his bag for his worksheet.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Park. My car got a flat tire this morning." Shaylin looked up when he heard Kenji's voice. Mr. Park smiled at Kenji telling him it was ok and for him to find his seat.

Shaylin looked down quickly and started working to avoid Kenji's glaze, as things were still kind of awkward between them from last week.

Shaylin could feel Kenji's eyes on him but acted as if he didn't. I few minutes pass and Shaylin sees a note on his desk.

Kenji – Today at lunch can we sit together in the library? Just us 2, I want to get to know you better.

Shaylin stared at the note before replying and giving it back to Kenji

Shaylin – Sure but I need to tell Milo and Kai.

Kenji – Deal.

Right when Shaylin wrote his reply the bell rung "Ok class, make sure you finish any of the questions you didn't finish in class and if you are done with the whole paper turn it in to your class basket.

I hope you have a great rest of your day." Shaylin quickly packed up but was stopped by Kenji "Uh while we eat lunch can you help me with the back of this worksheet?" Kenji said rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh maybe but, I don't exactly like doing work during my breaks but I can help you in 7th" Shaylin said not trying to sound rude.

"I understand, 7th will work." "Great but I got to go my class in basically across the school. Bye Kenji." "Bye Shaylin."

Shaylin's POV

(Time skip to lunch)

As I heard the lunch bell ring, I quickly packed my things up and started heading towards the library to meet up with Kenji.

As I passed the cafeteria to see Kai and Milo waiting outside talking. "Hey Kai, Milo" I said interrupting their conversation. "Huh?" "Oh, Shay finally you're here. It took you long enough."

"Yeah, yeah, I guess but you two can go in without me. I'm actually going to library to meet up with someone." "Oh~ Who is it? Is it Kenji?" Kai said in a teasing voice

"No it's not!" "Really cause, your red face says otherwise." "Shut Up! Now if you excuse me, I'll be taking me leave." I said storming away from them

"Ok then, have fun at your library date~" Milo said using the same teasing tone Kai used. I rolled my eyes "Whatever! I hope you two lovebirds enjoy your lunch~." I walked away as Kai and Milo's faces went red.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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