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(Time skip to the café after they ordered their drinks and sat down.)

Once we were at our seat, I took out my assignment while Kenji took his out as well. I got out my paper out but couldn't find my pencil, I started digging through my bag cursing silently under my breath.

  "Uh- Shaylin? Are you ok over there?" I stopped looking through my bag and looked up to Kenji "Huh?" "I asked if you're ok, you look pissed?" "Oh Uh- I lost my pencil somewhere in my bag." I scratched my neck before looking through my bag again. 

"Oh here, you can just take one of mine so you're not looking forever." Kenji pulled out a pencil right when I looked up. "No, it's fine, mine is in here somewhere." I said as I pushed his hand away "I insist." "Are you sure?" "100% sure!" I sighed as I took the pencil from him.

 "Thank you" "No problem!" Kenji smiled sweetly. *Omg...That's so...Cute. * "Shaylin? Earth to Shaylin." He said snapping his fingers.

 I snapped out from my trance only to be meet with Kenji's fingers snapping at me. "Huh? Oh sorry, you were saying?" "Oh, your back anyways can you explain this to me one more time? I'm kind of confused." I stared at him in disbelief before sighing "Fine, what problem are you on?" "Uh, 7?" "7! Out of 20" "I told you I haven't gotten far!"

 "I thought you would at least have more than 10. We've been wor-" "Here are your Latte's sir." I stopped talking when our waiter brought our drinks over. "Oh, thank you so much ma'am."

 "No problem. Enjoy your study date." I spit my drink out almost choking "Oh-Uh...Y-You got the wrong idea ma'am. We're not dating just partners for an assignment." Kenji said handing me napkins and moving my papers. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I just figured since most people that come here are couples." "E-Eh its fine..." I said never taking my eyes off the table.

 "Again, I'm so sorry you two and enjoy your latte's." She said quickly walking away from us. "Well that just happened" Kenji said chuckling. "Uh- Yeah...Let's start working now." I wanted to change the subject as soon as possible. 

"Awe is Shaylin blushing~" "NO! I-I m-mean no, I'm not. Let's start working." Kenji chuckles "Ok, ok, I'll stop. Let's start but you still got to explain it to me." "Ugh fine then. Now to get the problem started you have to-"

(An Hour Later)

I finished about 10 minutes ago only to find Kenji still working. It's now almost 5:30pm and I figured I would let Kenji work another 10 minutes while I play my phone. A few minutes later I heard Kenji groan to himself while ruffling his hair, making it fall over his eyes slightly. *Cute* I chuckle as I look back at my phone not noticing Kenji staring at me.

 "What are you laughing at?" I look back at Kenji "What do mean?" "I think you know Lee." "Lee? Why are you calling me by my last name?" "Doesn't matter now, answer my question." "It was nothing, just a video on my phone." "Mhm Sure." Kenji said not buying it but dropping the topic "Anyways, what time is it?" "Uh?" I pull my phone out to check the time "5:46" "We should get going." "Uh yeah" Kenji and me both started packing our stuff up.

 Since I had more stuff pulled out it took me a little longer than it did with Kenji. "Oh, Kenji here, your pencil" "Nah keep it I have others." I sighed but decided not to arguing. Once we finished packing Kenji had offered to take me home, which I let him since I didn't have any other ride.

  The ride was a type of silence that makes you feel like the other person is wanting to start conversation but doesn't know how exactly. I felt my phone blowing up and checked to see the GC alive, I shook my head at what they were talking about. I replied then went back offline.

 "Who was that? I could see you smiling at your phone." Kenji said never taking his eyes off the road. "Oh, the GC with Milo, Kai, Felix and me was going off." "Oh! The Only Chaos GC?" "Yeah, but how do you know about it?" "Lisa and me went through Felix's phone one day while he was at our house. You guys have weird messages and most the time your just making fun of each other."

 "Uh-Rude but true and... Does Felix know?" "Nope." "I'm telling him next time I see him." Kenji abruptly stopped the car on purpose making me jerk forward. "You wouldn't?" "Hmm, Maybe I would. Maybe I wouldn't. Who knows." I said looking at him smirking then sitting back in my seat looking forward. 

"Eh it doesn't really matter now it happened like 4 months ago." Kenji said as he started driving again. "Ok the-" I was interrupted by my phone going off again. I checked to see Milo texting me. I texted him back and put my phone on mute. We sat in silence a few minutes before pulling up in front of my house "This it?" Kenji said slowing down "Yeah..." Kenji stopped the car in front of the gate 

"Well uh Goodnight, Shaylin" "Goodnight and see you tomorrow." I said getting out the car "Yeah see ya." I shut the door and waved goodbye as I walked in the gate. Once I was in the house Kenji pulled off and I went up to my room, trying too not be seen. 

Once I made it in my room, I locked the door and slid up against it. "Holy shit..." I mumbled out running my finger through my hair. I shook my head as I headed towards the bathroom to shower and call it a night, never taking my mind off Kenji. 

# of words = 1007

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