Chapter 1

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based on my story on my tiktok - wandaandnatasha

and I used google translate for the russian part so it could be a wrong



"Again!" Madam B yelled at us since we didn't get the turns right. "Again!" I wanted to roll my eyes so bad but I couldn't. I wouldn't. There's no way that's happening to me again. I've learned my lesson.

Let me introduce myself a little more before we get into the whole story. My name is Anastasia Alianovna Romanova. I was born to Natalia Romanova. The woman that they all want me to be.

I don't know much about my mom. All I know is that she is The Black Widow and that she was also trained in the red room. Where I am. Right now. Sadly. I hate it here. It's a living hell.

I don't know how she really looks like. All I know is that she has red hair, like me, and that we look alike. It's like we could be twins but I have w of a button nose. At least, that's what they told me but we can never trust them. Never trust anyone. I learnt that the hard way.

Anyways. I was born on August 24, 2009. I don't really know how old I am but I know that I'm in my teens. I think. I also know that I have the same birth as my mom. And in the exact same place too. I do have the blanket she left me which is good.

She wrote me a letter saying that she will come be back for me one day...I don't think she will. And that's were my trust issues comes from. "Again!" I snap out of my thoughts when Madam B yelled at us.

Tomorrow is my graduation but I'm not planning to attend to that. I will be gone by then. Hopefully. If my plan works. I'm praying that it does so that I can finally be free.

"That's enough for today" I sigh and take my ballet shoes off. My feet are killing me and it's only 10 am. Now I have to train for the rest of the day. I hate it. But I have to do it. I've learned how to use guns at a very young age. I probably wasn't walking then.

Enough of my depressing life. I'm now on my way to the training room and I already know it's going to be hell.


"That's if for today. Go wash up and straight to your rooms" our instructor spoke. "Yes, sir" we all said and walked out like we were robots.

I went straight to my room and took a shower. There was only cold water and I hate it. We never get to have warm water. Not even lukewarm. Whatever that means.

After my ice cold shower, I laid in bed waiting for her to come and save me. We've been waiting for the perfect time and that time is in an hour or two? I don't really know how to read a clock. We don't learn much here, mentally. But physically, we learn a lot.

And it shows.


Loud bangs were all I heard as I covered my ears. I hated loud noises like this even though I have to listen to them all day. I'm surprised my ears are broken. Yet.

"Anna, we have to go" she told me while looking at me. "Now or never" she reaches for my hand. Should I really go and risk myself of getting killed or stay? "тобой всё будет хорошо" (you'll be okay) I look up at her.

It's now or never.

I immediately take it and we run out as quick as we can. I made sure I had my blanket with me. Or else I would have stayed. "спешить" (hurry up) she spoke to me as we rush into a plane? I think that's what it's called.

So much is happening right now. Gun shots are being heard, left and right. People yelling. Me getting dragged by her so that we can make it. Almost dropping my blanket once or twice. People shouting my name. More gun shots.

I don't know what happened next but I felt pain on my lower stomach. I didn't think much of it. We learn not to think about pain. "Buckle up" she ushers me to a seat and off we go.

I look behind us and smile. I finally got to escape! I'm free. Until they track me down and kill me. I then felt light headed and warm liquid dripping on my shirt. I look doing and frown.

"И что, я умру?" (Am I going to die?) I ask her. "What?" She looks down and her eyes go wide. She puts the plans on auto pilot and rips the bottom of her shirt and tells me to press this on my stomach.

"все будет хорошо" (it's all going to be okay) she reassure me as my eyes started to close. If I die, then it's for a good cause. Not really. I still really wanted to see my mother once more before I say 'hello' to God.

I guess you never really get what you want in life.


thoughts on the first chapter?

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