Chapter Three

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Fifteen minutes later, I'm being led through the facility's halls by Dax, who keeps glancing back at me as if expecting that I'll have disappeared within the thirty seconds that he's not looking at me. I roll my eyes. Where, exactly, does he think I'm gonna go? I'm trapped down here with Dax, Archer and however many other supernaturals inhabit the place. I'm not going anywhere. I don't say any of this to the burly shapeshifter, however. I don't need to give him another reason to dislike me so, instead, I focus on taking in my surroundings. Due to the late hour, the halls are empty so I don't catch a glimpse of any of the other supernaturals that have taken refuge here like I would have liked to.

I try to commit the facility to memory, just in case I need to escape quickly, but even this proves difficult. I'm lead through hall after hall, going in and out of large rooms that serve different purposes, and I'm certain that the majority of the twists and turns are just to make sure that I won't be able to find my way back out again if I want to leave. I suppose this is smart on their part but, for me, it's a pain in the ass.

After a good fifteen minutes of pointless walking, Dax turns to the right suddenly and stops. He digs in his pocket and pulls out a set of keys, unlocking the plain white door we stand before. I catch the set when he tosses them at me, a little annoyed that he felt it was necessary to throw them when we're barely two feet away from each other. I glare at him but he ignores me, pushing open the door with a flick of his wrist.

"This will be your room while you stay here, however long that will be. Archer and I will also have a key to this room just in case we feel that there is suspicious activity going on inside," he states matter-of-factly, stepping into the room. He looks at me and says "if we think you're doing something to hurt people" as if he felt he needed to clarify. His statement makes me wish that I'd gotten that rape whistle after all. I don't like the thought of these strangers having access to me while I'm asleep. After all, the fact that they don't work for Octavian doesn't mean that they're good people. They could be just as bad, if not worse. Despite my concerns, I follow the burly shapeshifter inside the room, purposefully letting my guard down to show the beast that I do not wish to be a threat.

The room is relatively small with a bed a little bigger than a twin taking up most of the room's available space. A small lamp sitting on a nightstand beside the bed is the only decorative piece in the room. The only thing that seems at all inviting is the sea foam green color of the walls, a strange color, considering the stark white of the rest of the underground facility. Other than that one burst of color, the room is cold, lacking any personalization of any kind, so similar to my room at the facility I'd grown up in. It was frowned upon to add personal touches because it might give an enemy the necessary information to destroy you. I disagreed. My parents punished me. I obeyed.

Dax points out a small bathroom and an even smaller closet connected to the room, then turns back to me to conclude his little tour with a warning. "You are allowed to leave your room. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 AM sharp. The dining hall shouldn't be too difficult for you to find. Speaking to any of the residents is strictly prohibited. We have not cleared you as threat as of this moment, so you will be monitored. If you have any questions, you will come to either Archer or myself with them, is that clear?"

I nod curtly, a little annoyed by his demanding tone. I could snap his neck before he even got the chance to realize what was happening. If he knows what's best for him, he should shut his mouth before I lose my temper. I take a breath to calm myself down. Killing the shapeshifter would be counterproductive. My goal is to protect Archer from Octavian and my parents, not to beat up arrogant mutts.

Dax leaves without another word, stalking out of the room before I have the chance to do something I'll regret. Once he's gone, I lock the door -not that it'll do me any good. Then I search the room for cameras or microphones or anything else that could possibly do me harm. I find none but my nerves are not eased. They could easily sneak into the room and strangle me in my sleep.

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