Rose Rush

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It was a peaceful afternoon as Sarvente was watching Wednesday on Netflix. Ruvyzvat was quietly making a snack the 2 in the kitchen. Both Selever and Rasazy were playing Roblox together. They were playing Bear.

"Here you go.." Ruv said as he placed down a plate of Cheeto Puffs and sour cream. Sarv gently placed a kiss on his cheek before thanking him. Then she took a bite out of the snack. Suddenly, she felt pain in her stomach. She slightly frowned and ignored the pain but, it got worse. She gritted her teeth and quietly growled in pain. Ruv could see that she wasn't doing well. "Sarv? Are you alright?" Ruv asked as he kneeled down in front of her. She held her stomach in pain and snarled a bit louder. That was a sign the child may be coming. Ruv picked her up bridal-style and placed her in the car. He dash across the hallway to reach Rasazy's room. He swung the door open to find Selever and Rasazy. "Get in the car." He said sternly. Rasazy put her shoes on and ran. Selever groaned and slipped on his boots before running out the door. Ruv got his coat ushanka before running out the door. He jumped into the car and rushed to the hospital. Sarv winced in agony whilst Ruv was hurrying to the hospital as fast as he could. A few minutes later, they reached the hospital. Ruv scooped up Sarvente into his arms and ran. Rasazy followed while Selever flew. Ruv went passed the counter whilst Selever flew by. "My momma's having a baby, sorry!" She apologized as she caught up to them. Sarv shrieked in agony and Ruv tried to find an empty room for her. He found a room with no person in it, empty, he lied her on the bed and ran to get a midwife to help her deliver.

{1 hour later}

"What's taking so long!" Selever groaned as he dangled his head off the chair. "Your mother is giving birth to your brother, so be patient. And please sit correctly in that chair before you fall and snap your neck." Ruv said as he didn't make eye contact. "Birth takes a while, Sel." Rasazy said to her immature brother. "Then what the f**k am I s'posed to do while that's happening?" He snarled. "Stop swearing.." Ruv grunted. Selever rolled his eyes. "You can play with me if you'd like." Rasazy beamed at him. He smiled back. She signaled him to follow her.
"Stay were I can supervise you.." Ruv said. Rasazy nodded. Minutes later, her and her brother were playing a Memory Card Challenge. "I win again!" Selever said as he whipped up his happy-fists. "Great job, brother!" Rasazy clapped happily. Selever did a little happy dance as a celebration. Rasazy giggled at her admirable big brother. Then, a doctor came in. "Hello you must be the husband of Miss. Exoduss, right?" The doctor asked. "Yes, I am. Is she alright?" Ruv asked as he stood up with a concerned expression. "Yes, she's doing just fine. As a matter of fact you can come see the new baby right now." The doctor smiled. Ruv nodded and signaled Sel and Ras to come along. 'I wonder what the baby will look like? Maybe he'll look like me and Sel? Or he'll look different than the rest of us? That'll be quite a sight..very interesting if I saw a variety of colors on him.' Rasazy thought as she followed. They entered the room and saw Sarv smiling at the 3. Ruv was stunned to see the pretty little baby. He was half and half. The upper body was tea rose pink and the lower body was faded slightly darker. He was like a rose colored child, similar to Sarvente. Most of her children looked like her. "He looks so unique. You did amazing.." Ruv said as he nuzzled his wife. She felt the warmth of his face. She gently kissed his lips and he kissed her back. Selever placed a grimace expression on his face. Rasazy walked up to the baby in awe. "He's so gorgeous, momma!" Rasazy smiled. "I know! Guess I have 2 pretty boy's, huh?" Sarv said beaming at Selever. "I'm not pretty!" Selever said feeling quite flustered. "Of course you are! So many people thought your were a girl when you were little! You had long hair and a more pink feminine appearance." Sarv snickered. Rasazy did too. "Curse my appearance.." Selever grumbled. "All I got to say is that you've got pretty strong genes. All your children look exactly like you. They also act like you too." Ruv complimented. "Well Rasazy has your attitude~ Boop!" Sarv booped the middle of Ruvs face. "Depending on how she's feeling.." Ruv said rolling his eyes. "What? She can be a bit snappy at times. Sounds like someone I know, right?" Sarv said glancing at Ruv. He stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms.

"So what should we name you..?" Sarv said to herself. "Ah! I got it!'s not a real name but, it'll fit you. In my perspective, Sarlatuant means precious, divine, and unique. Just like you.." She said as she kissed the baby's forehead. "That's a very unique name for very unique kid." Ruv said as he admired the baby. "Selever don't you want to see your little brother?" Sarv asked him. "You better not call me pretty if I come over there, Ma.." He said as he approached the baby. "Pretty little boy.." She snickered. Selever quietly growled as Sarv began to play with his medium lengthened hair.

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