Appreciated Moonlight

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Sarv walked over to the kitchen and settled up the plates for dinner. She putted down some glass cups and some plastic utensils. She glanced at the living room where her parents and husband were. 'Where did Ruv go?' Sarv asked in her thoughts. She walked over to her parents and saw them still watching Tyler Perry. "Ma, Papa, have you seen Ruv anywhere? He isn't on the couch.." She asked them. They both shook their heads no while focusing on the tv. Sarv sighed in disbelief and wondered around the house looking for him. She then picked up a scent. It was very smelled like...vanilla, it was Ruv. Ruv was the only one in the house who smelled like vanilla. She followed the smell and found him lying on the bed whilst doing a T-pose. Sarv chuckled at her loved one and walked over to him. She sat on the bed and he sat up.
"You ok?" Sarv asked quietly. "Yes..I'm fine I was waiting for the food to be done is all." He replied. "Ok well it's done so you may come eat now." Sarv smiled. Ruv nodded and followed his wife. They all sat down at the table. Sarv served the food and everyone started eating.

"Done!" Selever exclaimed, breaking the silence. He left his plate on the table and walked off. Rasazy waited till she couldn't hear his boots clicking then, scooped the rest of what he had on her plate, then she started eating. Ruv finished and left the the table, he growled as he walked by the table. Sarv was confused, she tilted her head whilst raising an eyebrow. "Excuse me.." She said as she excused herself. She left the table, she then tried to follow Ruv. Ruv was in their bedroom, sitting there with his hands over his face. Sarv sat beside him and uncovered his face. "What's wrong, honey? Did something happen at the table while I wasn't looking?" Sarv asked him whilst caressing his right cheek to make him feel better. "Yes.." He grunted under his breath. Sarv looked at him with sympathy in her large eyes. "What happened then?" "Your parents don't seem to trust me very well after we've been married for 8 years. I don't matter how hard I try, they still seem to doubt that I'm a good person.." Ruv looked down, Sarv knew that movement, he was sad. Rasazy got it from her father of course. Sarv lifted his head with her hands under his chin. "You don't have to show that your a good person, Ruvy. Cause I know your an amazing person with a very big heart..Ok?" She said. He nodded in response. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him. He held her waist whilst he was kissing her back. They both pulled away from their 5 second kiss and Sarvy looked deeply into Ruvs eyes. He just stared at her, admiring how gorgeous she was. "I love you, Ruvyzvat.." She said in a soft and sweet tone. "I love you more, Sarvente.." He replied as he blushed a little. A small tint of red was found on Sarvs face too.

She walked out the room to put the dishes up, show her parents too their bedroom, and walked back to were her bed was located. She changed into some underwear and one of Ruvs shirts. She then lied in bed and pulled the cover over her body. She felt an arm wrapped around her and something large nuzzling her wavy thick hair. It was Ruv of course. He sighed in delight as he was very close to the love of his life. He felt comfortable and didn't let go. Suddenly, Sarvente started mumbling a little in her sleep. It was normal because she always does that. She was dreaming. Ruv could barely hear her so he ignored that fact and drifted to sleep..

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