⌗006 - Natasha ; my stain remover

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"Oh my god." I stumbled to my bed and face palmed straight into it, my hair soaking wet. "WhathaveIdone." I gasped, the adrenaline had gone and I was left with my aching legs and a headache: a side affect from using my powers. I closed my eyes and placed my hands over my face. "I just stole from the Tony fucking Stark and the Steve 'effing Rogers; I'll never be able to show my face out in the public ever again." I whined lying down in my single bed; holding back my tears.

This was such a bad idea. I repeated in my mind a few times. Okay, more than a few times but still, that's besides the point.

The suit laid on my radiator, small blood stains littered the cloth. I then glanced at my phone being charged and then my bag full of groceries. Okay, maybe stealings fine if it's for the greater good.

And I'm the greater good.


Clint Barton sat at the dining table, a coffee in his hands. His eyes looked up at the two men who had just entered the room; a strange expression of defeat lingered on their faces. "What's with the faces?" He asked and received two stares back."Oh okay then. Ahem, anyways we had a visitor when you guys were off chasing that girl."

Clint's eyes frowned a little when he noticed both men cringed at the mention of the girl. He ignored it and continued speaking. "I honestly have no idea when she entered the building but she was there. Said she was here for a 'meeting' but then shared her whole life story with me and figured out there was no meeting and her colleagues sent her here to get rid of her or something."

"You actually remembered all of that?" Tony asked 'amazed' whilst stealing Clint's coffee and taking a sip out of it.

Clint nodded. "Yea. Honestly, i think if I see her again I should ask her to join us. I mean, her workers dont seem very nice to her so might as well ask."

Steve sat down and leant on his hand. "Is she strong or something?" He asked.

Clint paused for a second and shrugged. "I think so? She said she controls ice—,"


"—oh my God."


"So. Let me get this straight: she broke in and took down all the cameras and Jarvis. Then, she stole Tony's money and then somehow outran and outsmarted both of you? That's a story to tell the others." Clint repeated what Tony had told him and also added a joke which both men responded badly with. "Anyways- so after all that,  she then opened a window to make you think she escaped and there was a big bang outside so you followed not realising she was actually still in the building."

 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 || AVENGERSWhere stories live. Discover now