~ Chapter 1 ~ Midnight Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah, she's doing well. She just turned four, I'm keeping Maria away from her so she will be a far better replacement." The old man was nervous as he moved to sit opposite his guest, he couldn't help but be fully aware of the sweat growing on his hands and back almost as if the presence of this unworldly man was giving a physical reaction as well as a mental one. Maxwell was always like this. Even as the guest, he controlled the situation without effort. 

"So, have those swords had any use since your days in the war old man?" Maxwell inquired almost mockingly, tilting his head to look at the old man who was wringing his hands as he responded.
"Not really sir, do you wanna see them?" He asked, but Maxwell shook his head. No this was not a matter that he truly cared about simply a warning, his next words left his lips not as a seeming threat but almost definitely a warning towards a future that he seemed almost certain to come true.

"No I was just reminiscing a man killed by his very own creation, using his own arrogance as the tool. I was hoping the same wouldn't happen to you. Our partnership seems fruitful Afterall, so Maria is our obstacle." He paused as he gazed into the fire for a moment, those flames seemed to fear him just as the old man did. They seem to almost lean back in the fireplace like they were afraid just his gaze would snuff them out. 

"Have you heard, The church summoned a hero, he's been stirring the pot in the capitol with his preaching about equality." Maxwell began, a heavy sigh slipped out during the pause, it was clear he wasn't fond of the new flagship member of the church. The Church of Gia, it was the main religion of the Kozak Empire. The church often preached it's beliefs on the 'True' humans and their fight against the scourge known as 'The Races of Loki'. There was a story, a very old one, it's not short so I'll summarize. The world was created by two gods, those gods came from a different world. The two gods specialized in opposite ideals, Gia was of life while Loki was of lies and deceit. They believed they could do more and became two sides of a coin. Gia focused on life, light, and truth while Loki focused on death, shadows, and deceit. The story says that Loki delved deep into his trials and research and became a corrupted dark god. A war started between the two and Loki was sealed, this is the story propagated by the church. "The world has moved towards equality, treating all intelligent races with mostly fair laws and rules, Kozak has dawdled behind due to it's ties to the church. The world has exiled slavery and racist treatment of any race deemed intelligent enough to be considered a part of society. That rule applies for the most part even here, however the church and a lot of high members of the Kozak nobility are racist and allow people like me to partake in illegal capture and selling of slaves." Maxwell paused his history lesson for a moment to lock eyes. "The hero is the beginning to the end of many people's way of life. If he is left alone he will finish the total removal of slavery and give the races you and other nobles deem beneath you, equality to you and the other races that the church deems human."

"Are you asking me to do something sir?" Seraph asked in slight confusion, he was well aware of the danger that Cody represented. That young boy just showed up and was given a mass amount of societal power.

"Not much, just that I need your help in a few areas. Besides, there are many things that will set into motion in around five years time." Maxwell smiled softly, though on his face it gave onlookers quite the chill. "I need you to clear out several buildings and prepare spots to setup specific ritual sites. I predict a future event that I must be prepared for, I can also promise to remove the Hero from Kozak with this plan." Maxwell reached into his coat as he spoke and produced a map of Aguris with specific areas marked.

"You can get rid of him? That's wonderful!" Seraph exclaimed excitedly but Maxwell's hand rose to stop him before he handed the map over. Seraph recoiled at that like he'd been hit, shutting his mouth and taking the paper. He glanced at it, he could faintly see that the sites were set up in a sort of pattern that made him imagine they'd be connected to a spell encompassing the whole city. 

The One Unworthy of Legends - V:1.1 - Maria's AscensionWhere stories live. Discover now