21: 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 💤 💞 (Final)

825 63 18

🌟 Thursday, November 17th🌟

Harry was sitting on the couch next to Zayn with his arm draped over his shoulders. They were sitting across from their marriage counselor, Doctor Cohen.

"There are things I know I could be doing, striving for." Harry was saying.

"But I haven't given in yet. If I get a call or I get that urge to leave and suddenly go, I just do what you said. I just think about what it would do to my family if I did. A few extra hours at work will never be worth losing them."

"And I love you so much for valuing us more than work." Zayn said.

Doctor Cohen smiled.

"Wonderful. I'm glad to see things are going well in that department. Keep up the good work. I'd like to briefly move on to your sex life though. Because we haven't talked about it in a few weeks. How is the most recent suggestion working out for you?"

Zayn and Harry looked at each other.

"Amazing." Zayn said with a wide smile.

"I was actually anticipating it to feel humiliating. But it doesn't at all. Every time he calls me that... I don't know. It's different. It's like I step out of myself and into someone else."



"And you, Harry?"

He nodded.

"Same. I thought that I wouldn't like it. But I do. A lot."

She nodded.

"That's good. Do you feel that it is allowing you to merge these identities as one with your husbands though? Are you equating them with the same people as Zayn and Harry? Because that is the goal here."

"Yes. Same people. Just different sex. Hotter sex."

Zayn fidgeted at Harry's last sentence.

"Are you comfortable with him saying that, Zayn? Are you comfortable that Harry believes sex between Rodger and Marcel is more hot than sex between Zayn and Harry?"


"Is it because you believe that too?"


"Okay then. It's good to hear that my roleplaying suggestion is working out for you. I believe it will continue to as long as you keep it in its place. The bedroom, that is."

"We do keep it in the bedroom. He never calls me that anywhere else and I don't call him that anywhere else." Zayn said.

"Good. Any concerns though? And remember, this is therapy. If you tell me I can help you. But only if you tell me."

It was quiet for a moment and then Zayn spoke up.

"I have a concern. Not about roleplaying. It's another concern."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Today, Darla is finally coming home. It's been four months. While she was away, we went back to having sex the way we used to. More often. It's hard to do that when you have a child to take care of because you're either busy or tired most of the time. And now I'm pregnant again. I'm afraid the sex life we have worked on with you will disappear again."

"I see. And you are not wrong to be concerned. Those are all normal questions. But don't worry. When she returns home, you two and I will discuss those changes and I will help you both come up with a plan that works. We will implement one of balance and keep you on track in your sex life. But like I always say..."

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