11: 🗣 👂🏽 💊

ابدأ من البداية

"I know, I know."

She leaned forward and pulled him in for a hug.

"You need to go home and talk to your husband. He obviously wants to make up and end this constant battle you two are in. So see what he has to say."

Zayn backed up.

"I know what he has to say. It's about baby number two."

"Did he change his mind about wanting it?"

"No. He says he really wants it."

"Okay. And you?"

"Me too. I'm just worried about what it's going to do to my body even more. If he hates it now..."

"Stop it. He doesn't hate it. I don't know where you're getting that from but you're wrong. And you know what? You need to go home and let Harry prove it."


"No. You need to do it because mama said so. Go on."

His daughter's voice distracted them.

"Grandma. Daddy picked me up?"

Zayn turned away to wipe his eyes.

"No. He just dropped by for a few minutes. Remember I told you your parents are going to have a special night tonight. And we are too. Here."

"Mr. Brine and the flowers?"

"No, dear. That isn't until next Friday. But I don't think you'll be here. Your Papa said since he'll be at home that day, he won't bring you by until that night."

"Mr. Brine? As in your neighbor?" Zayn inquired.

"Yes. He's coming over to show me how to plant zinnia."

"Hmm. Special friend, I'm assuming? Mama's got a love life?"

"Whether I do or don't, you worry about your own love life."

"You're worried about mine."

"You're my son. I have to. Isn't that right, Darla?"

She giggled.

"Now, you go on home to your husband. My granddaughter and I are going to watch two movies and eat a giant bowl of popcorn."


When she went running back into the living room, Zayn's mother smiled.

"As you can see, she's well taken care of over here."

"I do see. Can't believe she didn't even try to hug me goodbye."

"Now it's your time to take care of your marriage. Listen to what he has to say. Okay?"

He nodded.

"Okay, mom."

And what was different this time was that he wasn't just saying that. He meant it. He wanted to listen to everything Harry wanted to tell him.


Ten minutes later, Zayn arrived home. Harry's car was there. So he got out and came in through the kitchen. The aroma of food was filling the house.

"Hey, baby. So glad you're home. How was overtime?"

"Boring. I can't stand when my boss does that. It's customer service. It's never that serious."


"I stopped by mom's first. I didn't know you were letting Darla spend the night."

"Yeah, sorry for that too. I made that decision this morning after you left. I wanted us to have a night together. Just me and you."

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