He chocked even more at the last part, going even brighter shades of red. I just kept laughing as I rubbed his back, trying to help.

When he was done chocking he shyly turned to me and nodded, looking sideways, all embarrassed.

I smiled as I interlocked our hands on his thigh, happily restarting to drive home.


That same night, we had decided to fully live together in Jay's house, but I bought another appartment in his building that could be our studio, of sorts.

Zoe could have a room there to have more privacy, both her and us. Her stream room was also needed, plus my design studio since my small business was taking off. It wasn't that well known but I was now shipping to all of Asia. I also upgraded my factories, making sure everyone was well treated and paid. I mean I can afford it. I discovered that the money I found I had coming to this world came from a foreign company in electronics that kept making me money without the need for me to do anything with it. It apparently was my grandmother's in this world, she was a very successful and low-key businesswoman, who made sure to set up her stuff well. I should better research into her more at some point, seeing as looking at her in pictures gave me the feeling we were of the same species. By the way she held herself, the look in her eyes just reminded me of the one in mine, pupils mirroring the nothingness in which I lost my mind for an eternity.

So we planned to move my stuff in Jay's appartment and the "studio", which should furnish it fully.

I sold the old place at a higher price than I bought, weirdly enough, and we were set.


The next day at school, we shared the news with the others and Zack was really happy for us, finally moving in together, he also requested a tour of the place after the movers came today. We hired painters and other such things to be done while we were at school, so it should be fine enough. Having money is wild, really. Anything is possible, you discover.

We got interrupted by the sports festival announcement, I just let it play out until Jay proposed himself to be the third spot, to which I turned to him and wiggled my eyebrows at him. Leaning in to whisper.

"I'll be cheering for you honey.."

He went a bit red before nodding violently, looking determined.


In preparation for Jay's great exploit, I and the puppies started training him. Running was really fun, watching the beautiful views... *Cough* Jay's ass....

I also upgraded my training schedule, making sure to build my strength and speed, as well as agility and flexibility. I'm determined to become more than any monster in this world. I'm going to be a god. I'll be strong, and I'll protect my love and our family and friends.

I even started studying different fighting techniques, from looking at videos of people using them, to reading about them, I did everything I could. With utmost concentration, my memory acquired from being in the great nothing really kicked in hard.

Even my inhuman abilities were worked on during that time, practicing making myself, or parts of myself, disappear. Although Jay did freak out when he walked in on me without a head. And him freaking out freaked me out, which made my legs disappear as I panicked in trying to get my head back quickly with my concentration broken.....So I ended up almost falling through the floor. Good news is ; my legs were still in a state of disappearance as we pulled me out, which means our downstairs neighbor didn't see legs hanging from her ceiling, and I obviously didn't get cut in half. Also other good news ; I apparently can go through things, and live without legs or major organs. Bad news ; If I try to be all invisible to follow people and get info, I could fall through the floor in the process if not careful, and if I get startled while using this ability I could trigger another ability accident, which isn't guaranteed to always be harmless. I need to get better control and concentration basically.

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