Chapter 2

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Sooner enough, night comes.

I put on a black mask before heading out. Not that it will stop being recognized much, but it does mean that I'll have less pressure to try and make myself look approachable, I do love the resting bitch face, but it's not always appropriate. Daniel right now is at a very important turn in his life, so now is the ideal moment to help him and therefore get his trust. Only by being by the main character's side can one hope to change the future.

I walk around observing the neighborhood, before slowly making my way to the convenience store.

Getting there, I see the party is already in there. So I sneak in and lean myself back against the wall, where Zack was just moments ago. I know that no matter what I do to Zack, he'll still come back later to finish what he started and make everything happen just like it did in the webtoon. Well he wouldn't if I broke enough bones, but then again Daniel needs this moment to grow, as shitty as it is. If I intervened and drastically changed stuff, the butterfly effect would be so huge that I wouldn't know anything in advance and therefore could not prevent anything. I can't risk that. And I'm not a monster fighter like them, I mean sure I could probably become one with time but I sure as hell ain't one now. And I have no intention of ever making myself be noticed by those demons. I intend to live my nice little life while setting up everything as I want it from the sidelines.

Anyways, I wait for Zack to punch Daniel once before letting myself be known.

"That's not very nice, now is it?"

Zack and his goons turn to me. Confused as to when I got there. Zack's also still pissed at big Danny's transfer with Mira being smitten by him and all that, so I think he's mad at me too because I'm also a transfer.

"Piss off weirdo!"

"Why don't you do so yourself? I mean we both know how minors trying to buy liquor and beating up a poor cashier will look like in front of authorities. Save yourself the trouble sweetheart, this guy clearly doesn't deserve your wrath."


He makes his way out, his goons following. I think he's cautious of me, since for one he doesn't know my strength, for two he doesn't know if I could have recorded the incident and could therefore report it with video and audio proof to the police or school and for third I could tell Mira since he knows I go to school with him, in the same class. And if I did have video proof I could also show that to Mira and make her hate him. He'd loose all his chances.

After I've made sure they left, I go on my merry way in the store, picking up some snacks I like and a first aid kit. I make my way to the front and after paying for everything, I leave the first aid kit to baby Danny with a snack.

"Here, make sure to keep it close just in case it happens again. I can stay for 30 minutes with you but then I have to go. If they come back after that I won't be able to help, so if you have someone that you can call to stay with you after that now would be a good time to do so, so that they'll be here when I leave so you won't be left alone and vulnerable while they make their way over.

He looks surprised but then starts looking downcast as he realises there's a possibility they'll come back.

"... No I don't have anyone to call. Thank you for doing all this you didn't have to..."

"... It's fine. And maybe they'll be gone by the time I leave. By the way, my name is Azrael, it's nice to meet you."

He smiles slightly at my attempt to distract him. As I spoke I had started preparing to threat his black eye. Making sure my movements are slow so that he can remember how I did it for after he gets his round 2 of beatings from Zack. I'm not sure if he ever knew how to threat wounds in the webtoon, or bruises.

"My name is Daniel Park, it's nice to meet you too."

I start up some small talk as I threat his bruise, cracking some weird jokes here and there to lighten the mood.

As I get ready to leave, I can see him get more and more nervous. I know it's evil to let him go through that, but into necessary for his character development. Without it he'd never get to better himself. Neither would he start looking at the world from a global perspective rather than his self perspective.

We say our goodbyes, and I leave, never looking back. This is necessary.


The next morning, I do my usual thing and I'm on my way to school. It's weird to think that all this, this whole world, all revolves around the universe of one dude. Well if you think of the crossovers, more than one dude, but still. But then again, maybe my other world also was the same. I wonder what that story was about. Where was the main character? Who was it? Maybe they weren't even born yet. Maybe they had died long ago. Maybe they were in France. Maybe in Australia. I'll never know. At least I don't think I ever will.

Walking into school, I ignore everything and just get to class, in my seat, next to Jay who's already there.

I sit down and greet him in what I hope is a soft voice. I don't want to be loud on him in the morning. Poor boy might get a headache.

I just talk to Jay about his interests and hobbies and mine. I started developing the thing Daniel has. The telepathy. It's not perfect but it's starting to form. And I've also started trying to do it back to him. I really don't know how this is possible but then again, Danny has two bodies. Magic happens. I've stopped questioning it, as should you do too Sanity.

I get interrupted from my little heaven by Jay focusing on Daniel. Damn you pretty boy.

"You've gone too far."

Zack, like in the webtoon, kicks his desk. Shit's about to go down.

The whole class gets into fight mode, I mean some people I've never seen clear the desks to make space, while everyone else sort of just goes to the sides or leaves the classroom, as random people from other classes start gathering around the doors to watch. I sit on my desk, getting comfortable to watch and also allowing for Jay to pass to do his thing. I won't steal his shine moment. Although this moment will make him closer to Daniel and will therefore make him less likely to like me, I can bear with it. I can't be selfish. I just hope the squeezing in my chest stops soon.

The fight is about to start and all happens like in the webtoon. Jay holds Zack's arm before being shrugged off. Zack goes to punch Daniel but he avoids. Everyone is shocked. So everything continues as in the webtoon, while Jay comes back to his seat. He sits down, his back to the wall to observe the fight better. I slowly go to take his right arm. He doesn't stop me. I want to make sure he didn't hurt himself gripping Zack. Or he might have twisted his wrist when Zack shrugged him off. Seeing that everything seems fine enough except for some tension, I carefully move his arm in a more comfortable position, before I start massaging his hand. Dude might pull a muscle one day.

I do feel Jay flinch as Daniel is about to get hit in the face, but he relaxes soon enough as he catches it. I just keep massaging his hand, hoping it will help. At this point though, I don't even know if this is even still a massage or just me rubbing circles on my hand and playing with his fingers. He doesn't seem to mind so I just keep doing my thing while he's absorbed in the show.


It would be weird for me to follow Jay into the bathrooms. Although I did follow him, I just stood outside waiting for him. I'm quite sad I had to let go of his hand.

Waiting outside, I do hear him beating up the 3 guys. When he comes out, I'm careful to wipe off all the blood on him. And I take out some bandaids with stars from my pocket to bandage his knuckles. He just lets me do my thing. I don't even notice Jiho passing by. When I'm done bandaging him, I reluctantly let go of his hand.

I mean I've known him for 2 days if I count today. I don't think moving fast and making my wooing intentions clear so early on would be in any way to my advantage.


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