"Yes," shyly nodded Chan-woo as he looked over to Hoseok.

"Of course I'll stay with you," cooed Hoseok who gently pinched the younger's cheek before he ran his hand through Chan-woo's hair. "So cute when you blush."

"Hyung," he whined as he felt his face grow even more red in embarrassment.

"Come here my baby," Hoseok continued to coo as he coaxed the younger to shuffle closer to him. "Let's sleep now."

Chan-woo didn't say anything further as he rolled back onto his side and cuddled right up against Hoseok. He smiled as he felt Hoseok adjust his position until he had both arms wrapped tightly around him. He found his head snuggled perfectly under Hoseok's chin and snaked his own arms around the other's waist. His eyes closed as he slowly settled back into a peaceful sleep with his head cushioned against the other boy's firm chest.

Only a few seconds had passed before Chan-woo's breath had evened out in the quiet room. Even his grip on Hoseok had loosened as he had relaxed completely. Hoseok huffed in amusement as he noticed how quickly the younger had fallen asleep in his arms. He closed his own eyes as held the other closer to him and rested his chin upon the soft hair. Hoseok slowly relaxed further, until he too, fell asleep.

The room stayed silent as the pair continued to catch up on the much needed rest after such a long week. Neither boy moved, too comfortable in their current position, content with the warmth that seeped from the other. The duvet only added an extra layer of cosiness, with the weighted covers providing them both with much needed comfort. Not even the distant sounds from the rest of the household could disrupt them.

That was until a knock pulled Hoseok out of the calm dream he had been having. He sleepily looked around as he tried to figure out why he had been awoken. He tilted his head down to find that Chan-woo was still deep asleep. He frowned as he turned his head over his shoulder, confusion written over his tired face. Another set of knocks came and before Hoseok had the chance to respond, it opened.

"Oh, hey," Yoongi whispered as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Hey Hyung," whispered Hoseok, making sure to keep his voice as low as possible since he didn't want the youngest to wake up. "Everything okay? Did you need something?"

"No. I was just coming to check up on him since he's been asleep for so long," he said with a soft smile as he stood over the pair and stared adoringly at Chan-woo.

"I tried to wake him up earlier," quietly explained Hoseok. "But I ended up telling him to get some more rest. He looked so tired."

"He's been working so hard. He deserves it," Yoongi smiled as he leant down and gently brushed the hair from Chan-woo's forehead.

"What time is it?" he asked while he settled back into his previous position.

"Nearly midday," he answered, hand still lightly played with the youngest's hair.

"We really should get up," Hoseok huffed quietly, yet his eyes still closed on their own accord.

"I'll let you two sleep some more," Yoongi whispered as he started to pull his hand away and stood back up straight. "Wish I could join you both."

"Why don't you? I'm sure a certain someone wouldn't mind," he answered with an amused smile.

"You have a good point," mused Yoongi with thought.

Yoongi felt his heart pull with longing as he stared down at the sleeping Chan-woo's face. He wanted nothing more than to snuggle up right behind the younger and waste their day away in bed. He hadn't been able to spend much time with the younger since the previous Monday where he had convinced Chan-woo to join him in his bed instead of working. They had both been insanely busy ever since.

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