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At the base of the Vitraya Ramunong, the Tree of Voices, sat a Na'vi woman. Her hair, a deep navy blue, sat in against her shoulders neatly braided into many braids. Her eyes were shut softly, making the illusion she was sleeping, while her kuru was attached to the hanging branches of the tree. While she sat she did not sense the presence of her mate walking closer. As her mate continued closer the woman was plagued with a vision.

A male dreamwalker stalked through the forest, a wooden spear in hand. The man seemed uneasy but continued to walk through one of the forests of Pandora. He was alert and constantly checking his surroundings. The vision was quick to change soon after; ash and smoke clouded the sky while fire blazed all around. Screams were all that could be heard by the woman.

The woman was awakened with a startle, her mate kneeling in front of her with a hand covering her own. She let out a shaking breath as the man before her watched worriedly.

"What happened, Syulang [flower]?" the man asked worriedly.

The woman looked into her mates eyes, "It was a vision, Tsu'tey. I saw a dreamwalker within our woods before the vision was plagued with scream and fire."

"It is alright, Y/n, everything will be alright. For now we should go back to Hometree, people were beginning to wonder where you were." Tsu'tey replied, trying to calm his nervous and anxious mate.

Y/n nodded and stood up with Tsu'tey, the two making their way towards two pa'li who stood nearby. Each mounted their own before forming a tsaheylu with it and they made way for their home, a large tree that stood towering among the other trees. Other Na'vi that stood around the tree made way for the two when they came by. They dismounted their pa'li, breaking the tsaheylu after their feet were on the ground.

They made their way into the large tree seeing Y/n's mother and father standing with a large group of hunters, including Y/n's little sister, Neytiri. When the hunters saw Tsu'tey and Y/n walking forward they moved, allowing them to go to the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk. When they arrived all four did a Na'vi greeting to each other. It did not take long for both mother and father to realize something was troubling their eldest daughter.

"My daughter, what thoughts plague your mind?" Mo'at, the Tsahìk of the clan, questioned.

Y/n let out a faint breath before answering, "I had another vision while I sat with the Vitraya Ramunong. I saw a dreamwalker, in the clan woods."

Y/n decided to keep the second part to herself and Tsu'tey until she could speak with her mother and father alone. Wishing to not spread a panic amongst the clan, something that Mo'at and Eytukan both quickly understood. It was a second later before Neytiri stepped forward to speak in relation to her sister's vision.

"I heard talk among a hunting group that they heard a palulukan roar near the waterfall. They also claimed to have heard something fall in the water." Neytiri explained, giving a slight glance to her older sister seeing how tense she was.

Eytukan let out a low hum before speaking, "A hunting party will be sent out, led by Tsu'tey. You will look for this dreamwalker and if you find him you are to kill him."

The surrounding Na'vi let out yips in acknowledgement while Neytiri walked closer to her family.

"Father, I would like to go ahead. See if I am to find the dreamwalker near the river." Neytiri explained to Eytukan, to which she received a nod allowing her to go.

Neytiri went to walk off but caught the eye of her sister, a worried look residing in it. The look different to the one she wore when she first spoke, this was a worry directed for Neytiri's safety. Neytiri nodded to her sister, a silent promise the two had made after the death of Sylwanin,Y/n's younger twin. She was killed when sky people shot at her and her hunting group after they ran to Grace's, a human scientist, school for help. The younger sister ran off soon after while Y/n continued to hold a shield of worry for everything that was happening so fast.

Tsu'tey lightly grasped Y/n's hand making the woman look at him. The hunters that were to go with Tsu'tey went to get ready while Mo'at and Eytukan had walked a small ways away, leaving the mated pair on their own. Tsu'tey lifted a hand and gently rested it on the nape of Y/n's neck as he brought their foreheads together in a comforting embrace. Y/n lifted a hand, resting it on the side of Tsu'tey's face, sighing at the contact before they both pulled away.

"Do not worry, Syulang, I will be back." Tsu'tey spoke, trying to take a small part of the burden that weighed on his mate's shoulders.

Y/n allowed a slight smile to come to her face, "I know, Tsu'tey. Just be careful."

Tsu'tey nodded at his mates demand before laying a soft kiss to her forehead, walking away moments after to prepare like the others had. Y/n watched him walk away until Tsu'tey rounded a corner and was out of sight. She then turned to look in her parents direction to see her mother beginning to walk up a wooden staircase. Y/n followed Mo'at and the two rested in a room that was covered in herbs and other means to heal.

Mo'at walked over to a large branch and sat on it, leaving a space for her daughter to join her. Y/n did exactly that, sitting in the open space but not facing her mother when Mo'at turned to her.

"Daughter, what is wrong? What troubles you so much?" Mo'at questioned in a soft tone, wishing to try and soothe Y/n even a little.

"Mother, my vision did not only consist of the dreamwalker in the woods. There was a second part to my vision, a part that showed ash and smoke plaguing the sky. Fire taking over the ground while our people screamed." Y/n let out a shaking breath, turning to finally meet her mother's eye, "Mother, I fear the sky people are planning something that will hurt the clan."

Mo'at nodded, touching her daughter's arm to comfort her, "It is worrisome but we must focus on this moment for now. I sense something will change once the dreamwalker is found and if that is true I need you to focus on that." Y/n nodded to her mother and stood up to leave but stopped once her mother called again.

"Daughter, if another vision comes up that worries you please come to me. We will work through this together."

"I will, Mother." Y/n agreed, walking out of the room.

Y/n wandered around Hometree before coming to a small branch that would hold her which rested under the one the Ikran rested upon. She sat on the branch, her back pushed up against the bark of Hometree's trunk as she gazed upon the forests that resided slightly below. She wished for the safety of her mate and sister, but could not stop the thoughts of her visions. She sighed before relaxing in her spot looking up at the sky, seeing the day sky turn to night.

She wondered what would happen next and what would befall of the clan she held dear.

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