Chapter 2: Leaving Blackthorn City

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Clair sat in the boat as Master Coonder rowed them back out of the cavern. Dratini sat coiled around her right hand which she rested in her left hand to keep the baby dragon warm. Its eyes were closed and its breathing was slow and calm.

Across from her, Lance sat with Clover's secondborn. He had looked Clover in the eyes soon after her. Their exchange was far quieter. Surely Clover had spoken in his mind as well, but what she had told Lance was unclear. As the light of the exit brought better vision Clair could see that Lance was pale, contemplative, and unusually unaware of his surroundings or composure. The baby dragon in his hands was awake and peering up at him curiously.

Lance's eyes wandered down to the dragon and then he remembered to smile.

"Once we reach the shore you will need to talk to your families. Clover's young will need to leave soon. You must take them with you to face the Dragon Trials." As Coonder spoke both Clair and Lance returned to good posture and veiled their smiles with stern lips.

"Where is the first Dragon Trial?" Lance asked as the cloudy light of the sky welcomed them to the exit.

"The first trial is within the Dragon's Den. Best not dwell on it too hard Lance. It's time for the second trial. In Pewter City, beyond Johto." Coonder shook his head as though they should have known.

"That was a trial?" Clair spoke up. Her answer did not come from Master Coonder. Looking out at the shore she could see about forty people waiting for them each with their dragon beside them. Among them, she spotted blue hair and black clothes. Her father and his Charizard were watching, staring with nervous focus. These were the people of Blackthorn. A city that only dragon riders know how to find.

Lance's mother broke Clair's thoughts as she yelled from across the lake. "Lancy! Show us what you've got! Woo!" Clair smiled at the overconfidence of his mom.

He rose up in the boat, looking back at Coonder who smiled and nodded assuringly. Raising his hands the people saw the blue curious dragon coiled around his hands.

The people and pokemon cheered and roared. The collective of Druddigon, Salamence, Gyraddos, and more, roaring in good spirits rattled the boat. The sounds woke the blue sleeper in her hands which coiled closer as Clair sat in the boat looking up at her humble friend. Lance looked out at his community and forced an uncomfortable grin. Something seemed to be distracting him. As they reached the shore the people welcomed him warmly and as they pulled him out of the boat to meet his new friend Clair's father pushed through them to reach her.

"Clair," he spoke warmly. Almost in a comforting voice.

She smiled up at her dad. "I have been honored too. This is Kōeina. I am to guide Kōeina to Pewter City to test it. It will return here a true dragon as Clover has commanded me."

Her father smiled. She could see relief and amusement as well. "You have already named it?"

She smiled up at him as the warmth of his charizard Charvern reached them. "She will be honored. It's a fitting name for the next most powerful dragonite in the world."

Her favorite laugh surrounded her as he hugged her. He had been with Charvern for so long that they even laughed the same and as they did she rested in their warmth. "We will make you proud father."

"Impossible," he muttered into her blue hair. "I'm already proud. Just remember not to take every step so seriously. Its mother is named Clover," he began to laugh again.

He was too kind of a father. Clair could not have been physically closer to him and yet at these words she felt so far away. This wasn't a chance to leave the village. This was her mission and he was simply relieved that she had been entrusted with a pokemon. Once he was done assuring her he let go and followed the excited crowd of Draconids; the people of the dragon. A large bonfire with warm food, fireworks, and music welcomed them on the cloudy day. As Clair distantly followed, Kōeina looked up at her. It was still weak. They had a long way to go. It wasn't green like Clover. Perhaps the color change was upon an evolution deemed worthy by Raquaza.

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